Ted Nugent says to Hillary what millions have always wanted to say!

Ted Nugent
My favorite rocker Ted Nugent has done it again. "Again," I say, because the video moving around the Internet has caught the Motor City Madman in the very act of what he’s always done: exercising his free speech rights in his own way. Neither the language, nor the sentiment is new for Ted Nugent. One time, probably some 10 years ago, my friend’s then-wife made him join her when she walked out of a Ted concert at Hampton Beach after he just absolutely unloaded on Ted Kennedy.
There was the time at the Providence Civic Center back in 77 or around then when someone chucked a water balloon onto the sound console and wiped it out, thus seriously delaying the concert. Ted, on the house system demanded those expletive-blankedy-expletives be identified. They were, and they were dragged off and presumably dealt with. I think the next time he performed there, someone lit a bathroom on fire, but the show raged on.

"Anybody here wants to get mellow you can turn around and get the [bleep] outta here!"

My point is, Ted’s been Ted for a very long time. The last time he played here in Gilford, he used a crossbow to shoot an effigy of Sadam Hussein. Now, he’s ranting about gun grabbers- Obama, Hillary, Arnold, and Dianne Feinstein. It’s nothing new. Check out the lyrics to this song, off his "Spirit of the Wild" album. How long ago did that come out? (1995)
This is the video that eveyone’s buzzing about. You tell me that what he says about Hillary isn’t something millions of red-blooded Americans wish they could say! And I love the end…


Oh, and be warned, the language is, well, it’s Ted Nugent… you know what it is!


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