What’s Healthcare gotta do with war?



 Is this Ghoulish? I was wondering about the word choice then actually pondering some of what this letter to the editor states and forgot about the word choice after I read the last paragraph:

"We need to stop thinking in terms of killing and how to make us even more lethal. We need to think in terms of peace and to provide a higher quality of life to the citizens that pay into this country with their hard work."

Yahwee, there’s alot a thinkin’ goin’ on here, huh? I guess all we need to do is think "’peace" and it just ahh happens. Perhaps some people just don’t quite understand it yet, but the terrorists aren’t gonna think peace or act in peace. They are out to kill us, and it doesn’t matter whether you have health insurance or not, or your male, female, straight, gay, purple, atheists, Catholic or 2 years old.

And, how can everything (do ya mean everyone?) chase a buck?

Yes, I agree, we need to provide a higher quality of life to the citizens that pay into this country with their hard word. Now, don’t ya know that the military pays into this country with undoubtedly more hard work than those of us who can take advantage of peace here at home ’cause we’re here and they’re there.

No doubt insurance companies and drug companies are making a killing. This guys comment about the "bloated military" however has me stumped for sure. Plus, how do you solve the cost of a doctor’s education….now there’s a high-priced ticket item.

Heh, I’m one of those people that just recently let my health insurance lapse because the premiums were raised so high that it seems to make more sense to me to bank the money and hope for the best. While I do have a chronic illness requiring meds every day for the rest of my life, I can buy 3 months supply of them for one month’s premium. And, yes, they’re very expensive but staying active for me is certainly worth the cost.

Okay, so apparently America needs to wake up and stop thinking that capitalism is the answer for everything. So, pal, what’s your solution? You know the saying, "If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem."





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