Where’s The Danger with Civil Unions?


Well, it’s no surprise that the Concord Monitor, or as the Dads of Distinction call it, Pravda on the Merrimack did not print today my rebutal to several letters in support of Civil Unions even though Linda Donovan of Concord said:

"Where’s the danger? In our Live Free or Die state, why can’t everyone have the same rights to love another person, with all that is entailed by love and commitment?

Please explain to me how my neighbors’ civil union will have a negative impact on my marriage. Marriage is in danger from people who don’t understand the level of commitment it should entail, who enter into it without having taken the time to get to know their partner first, or who end up abusing the love and trust of their partner. It is not in danger from two people of the same (or opposite) sex loving each other and wanting to commit to each other. I’m glad I voted for the politicians who had the courage and dignity to pass this legislation. Thank you."

Click here, here, and here for the other articles in support of civil unions. See my P.S. for some personal notes to these people. 


My dear sweat, naive Ms. Donovan who states: “In our Live Free or Die state, why can’t everyone (key word) have the same rights to love another person, with all that is entailed by love and commitment?” from her Where’s the Danger? June 5 Monitor letter supporting civil unions…she answered her own question.

Civil Unions gives preferential treatment to approx. 4% of NH’s population therefore discriminating against a much larger two-people living together, other than married couples, population. So, why DO you have to be a homosexual to join in a civil union?

While you’re glad you voted for the dems, I’m not quite as glad when I’ve been deceived, mislead and hornswoggled by all of the politicians who did not campaign on the civil union issue but rushed it through the legislature because of a small special interest group without appropriate public input and a Governor who signs the bill under secrecy. While Gov. Lynch invited those in support of the bill and gave a one-hour notice to the media, he did not notify, even though he had been asked to, those of us who oppose the legislation to attend his signing ceremony. Where’s the courage and dignity in that?

NH is 6th in income, yet 49th in services to citizens, last in school funding, one in ten go to bed hungry, our roads and bridges are falling apart, yet these democrats focused on civil unions, $250 fines for releasing a balloon, mandatory seatbelts, smoking bans adversely affecting many business owners and robbing them of their choice by dictating their clientele, and taking away parental notification rights for minors seeking abortion, etc.

Also, while the percentage of homosexuals is small, they have a higher rate of offenses against children then the general population …think Catholic Church, although based on 10 years in counselling ministry no denomination is exempt. They also have a higher rate of drug use, depression, suicide and shortened life span. If you don’t believe me, do your own research on the readily available information on the world wide web. No danger there.

Most social psychologists (unless they’re gay) will agree that for a child to properly develop, ideally they need the significantly different balancing influences of both a mother and a father. If we all became homosexuals, since two men or two women cannot naturally procreate, we’ll just eventually die out I guess. No danger there.

This secular progressive agenda is creating other disturbing problems in our society. Just listen to the Boulder, Colorado school authorities touting extremist beliefs on innocent children. California is pushing for boys who think they’re girls (vice versa) to use the girl’s bathroom and deleting any references to mom and dad or husband and wife in school textbooks. No danger there.

This slippery slope issue detrimentally affects not just marriage but the entire moral fabric of our society and its healthy, rather than dysfunctional, survival.

If you agree, please sign the petition to repeal civil union legislation, click here.

PS: That’s not what Mr. Nagy said Erik. "Normal" is a marriage between a man and woman, so don’t expect us to normalize something abnormal. And to Dani-Jean Stuart let me say that you need to read the entire Bible instead of one small portion that supports your position and quoting out of context Bible versus many of which are merely intended for historical reference. But, yes, Jesus did say to love thy neighbor as thyself…but loving someone means telling them the truth not lieing to them and telling them what they want to hear. Jesus, and many of us are quite capable of loving homosexuals and do (the line is crossed when it turns into sexual)…that does not mean that we agree and support their chosen lifestyle. And no, that does not mean we’re bigoted or homophobic meaning we’re out to hurt homosexuals or have some irrational fear of them. It does mean that we have morals that we believe in very strongly and we have free speech just like you do.




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