UPDATE: Thanks to Karen, here’s the original text of my letter sent to Gov. Lynch:
“Have you people completely lost your minds? Parents have to fill out a permission slip for their children to go on a field trip, take prescription drugs at school, or board a bus other than their regular one, and you want to rob parents of their rights to support, protect and defend their own children and have minors make decisions on something as significant as an abortion? When you start paying for and raising my children, then you can start making my decisions for me. Until then, butt out since you don’t seem to be very good parents yourselves if you’re for letting children get abortions on their own without their parents’ knowledge.”
Not only has Gov. Lynch signed the Civil Unions Bill much to mine and many others consternation, but based on a letter I received from his office today, it appears that he may also attempt to take our rights as parents to protect our own children away from us as well.
Part of my letter to the Gov. which I’m sorry to say, I simply cannot find, made the case that our children cannot even ride a different bus, take medication at school or go on a field trip without their parent’s signature. But, we’re supposedly going to allow 12-18 year old girls to get an abortion without notifying their parents?
Anywho, I’m hoppin’ mad about this one even though I no longer have any minor children myself. I do, however, know parents who do. They’re not happy either about this craziness.
I’ve substitute taught enough in our middle school to know that most of these girls absolutely do not have the emotional maturity to make such a life-changing decision without some trusted adult input. If you don’t believe me, go substitute teach at some middle school for a week if you can handle it. Believe me, there are raging hormones flippin’ out all over the place.
Here is word for word the letter from Gov. Lynch’s Special Assistant for Citizen Services, Mark Roper dated May 29:
Dear Judy:
Thank you for contacting the Office of Governor John H. Lynch regarding the potential repeal of the state law requiring parental notification in cases of minors’ abortions.
Governor Lynch believes that parents should be involved with such important decisions with their children, but he also recognizes that is not possible in every case. The United States Supreme Court held last year that New Hampshire’s parental notification law was unconstitutional as written because it does not protect the health and safety of all women. Governor Lynch shares that concern.
Gov. Lynch also believes that we must do whatever we can to reduce the need for abortions by encouraging comprehensive family planning and encouraging young people to abstain.
Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts with Governor Lynch. Please do not hesitate to contact the Governor’s office with your ideas or if we can be of assistance.”
Did you pick up the contradiction about minors’ abortions then about Gov. Lynch’s concern that NH’s parental notification law was unconstitutional as written because it does not protect the health and safety of all women? Ok, which is it, minors or women? Are 12 year olds women or are they minors? I think they’re girls until about 18 or so.
Yeah, I’m all for encouraging young people to abstain but I’m also realistic. (See the raging hormone part).
What’s deeply troubling is the part “as written.” So, wouldn’t it be better to rewrite NH’s parental notification law to make sure it is constitutional rather than rob parents of their very right to be parents? Should we also ask the Gov. and our government to support our children until they’re emancipated? At the very least, of course, they should pay for minors’ abortions and any hospital bills for the minor if something goes terribly wrong. Certainly they should provide counselling as well later in life once these little girls really become women and realize what they’ve really done is kill a helpless human being!
I agree that it’s probably not possible in every case for a child to be involved with a parent before making such a drastic decision. But, come on…because there are some lousy parents out there does that mean we should punish the good ones and throw the baby (literally) out with the bath water?
Where does it all end? Not good, I guarantee you. Perhaps we can join in California’s wishes to allow boys who think they’re girls (vice versa) to use the girls bathroom and remove all references from school textbooks that refer to mom and dad or husband and wife? Thanks Governor for being such a secular progressive nincompoop!