Being an equestrian myself, I was completely amazed and inspired by this dancing horse. Here’s my Father’s Day gift to the Dads of Distinction: Skip, Doug and Patrick….ENJOY! Just imagine what you can accomplish as a father to your children, if it’s possible to teach a horse how to dance!
Click here to watch one of the most spectacular horses I’ve ever seen. And you thought horses couldn’t dance?
For those of you who are unfamiliar with training horses, let me just say that there has got to be literally thousands of hours spent in training this magnificent horse to dance! I guarantee you will feel joyous watching this video and whatever cares weigh on you today will be, at least, momentarily insignificant.
This reminds me of something Ronald Reagan said who perhaps also understood that horses, like people, are spiritual!
Ronald Reagan … I’ve often said there’s nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse. …
Happy Father’s Day! Inspire a child today!