As the NH GOP works to implement party chair Fergus Cullen’s strategy of rebuilding the party structure and activist base from the ground up, which I applaud and support, I will be looking for more. In the wake of what’s happened since the Republicans fumbled power to the Democrats in the last election cycle, I will be asking ALL who seek elective office as a Republican here in NH:
1.) Will you file legislation and work for the repeal of the civil unions law as soon as you get to Concord?
I will then follow that up with:
2.) Will you file legislation and work for the reinstatement of parental rights, requiring the notification prior to an invasive, potentially dangerous medical procedure (abortion)?
If their answer is "No," or I get some mealy-mouthed pap, filled with pointless platitudes and non-commital doublespeak, they will not receive my vote. I will not stay home on election day, but I will not cast a ballot for them when in the booth. What more do I have to lose?
Here is what the Republican platform says on these two issues:
Preserving Marriage and FamilyWe realize that the family’s most important function is to raise the next generation of Americans. We place our highest priority on promoting and preserving the family as the most important institution of human development by:.
Recognizing marriage as the legal union between one man and one woman. Opposing recognition by the State of New Hampshire all other forms of civil unions, regardless of where such unions were formed (other states, U.S. territories, foreign countries).**Believing the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed upon; supporting a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorsing legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children; requiring parental consent for minors seeking abortions; barring the use of public resources to fund or promote abortion; banning the procedure of partial-birth abortion; supporting the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.
Governor Lynch signed the bill over 24 hours ago. I have heard little in the media other than cricket sounds from Republican "leaders". Do they really think that civil unions, the forerunner to gay marriage, and 14 year-olds having medical abortions without parental consent while denying them piercings and tatoos due to age, is supported by a majority of ordinary New Hampshire citizens? I don’t. But if the Republicans fail to step forward and openly claim this issue unto themselves, they will recieve neither benefit from their silence, nor votes.
"But Doug, Party Chair Fergus Cullen did release this statement":
“New Hampshire voters did not have civil unions in mind when they gave Gov. Lynch a Democratic majority last fall. The Democrats have gone too far, too fast with social policy. Given a choice, Gov. Lynch always sides with the left wing of his party on social issues, first by blocking parental notification in cases where minors have abortions and now by allowing civil unions. If Gov. Lynch were truly a moderate, he might have suggested the legislature study the issue and let candidates campaign on the issue next year. People will accept a policy outcome they disagree with if they feel their voices were heard and the decision was arrived at democratically. Making New Hampshire a civil union state was not part of Gov. Lynch’s mandate.”
He did, and he’s right. Except he left out any call to arms for repeal. We all lament the passage of these anti-family issues. The question is not how snookered we might feel about HOW it happened, but,
What are we going to do about it?
These matters are not, as Gov. Lynch said, "the New Hampshire way"… They will only become so if Republicans sit by and do nothing. Sadness doesn’t fix it.