by edmosca

Today’s Pravda-on-the-Merrimack’s political column has this gem from Fergus Cullen on Fran Wendelboe’s plan to start a group to recruit candidates who believe in Ronald Reagan’s principles:  "We already have a Reagan organization in New Hampshire. It’s called the Republican Party."

Nice try, Fergus, but no cigar.  Reagan Republicanism is anathema to the majority of the NH GOP.  Let’s take education funding, arguably the most prominent policy issue facing the Granite State, as just one example. 

Reagan would have taken on judicial activism.  The NH GOP?  They’re afraid to touch the subject because polling data supposedly shows that  the decision is popular.  Their position is that they can better effectuate judicial activism than the Dems. 

Reagan railed against the federal government for intruding upon the states’ turf.  The NH GOP?  When’s the last time that you heard any NH Republican leader extolling local control?

Surely, Fergus was misquoted.  He must have said Rockefeller organization.


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