The Democrat controlled NH House Judiciary Committee caused a stir when it rejected on Tuesday a Senate bill requiring the POW-MIA flag flown at all courthouses in the state. The NHInsider reprinted a Union Leader editorial on the matter giving the details:
"Barnes’ bill, Senate Bill 27, would have mandated flying the POW/MIA flag at every state courthouse. It sailed through the Senate, but amazingly the House Judiciary Committee voted it down, 10 to 6, on Tuesday.Rep. Philip Preston, D-Ashland, called the POW/MIA heroes a "special interest" group, saying that if courthouses flew the POW/MIA flag they’d have to fly any other group’s flag."
A "special interest group"?! Can you believe this? This matter demonstrates again the contempt that liberals generally have for our military. How can anybody with a functioning brainstem equate soldiers missing or held prisoner in the defense of the Nation with other groups seeking political favors? The POW-MIAs are people– men and women who have offered up their very lives to protect and defend our freedoms, not some cause or movement.
Thankfully, the next day, with language changed to require the POW-MIA flag be flown over EVERY state building, and after those on the committee got a huge earful from outraged lawmakers and other NHerites, the committee OK’d the measure.
The clowns on the committee, unfortunately, aren’t the only ones that see the POW/MIA flags and remembrance movement as just another special interest group. Naturally, some of the liberal constituents of these lawmakers feel the same way. Consider this letter that appeared this week in the Concord Monitor from a Mr. Noonan, who writes:
There are people missing in every war. There is no reasonable basis to assume those who are not accounted for must thus be prisoners of the other side. It may be time to take down this flag rather than broaden the range in which it flies.
Hello, Mr. Noonan– what do you think "Missing In Action" means? We need these flags so that, as we go on comfortably living free, safe lives, those that helped make our lives thus and never came back are NEVER forgotten.
Our friend Judy Paris of Bradford weighs in, responding to Noonan’s letter:
I’m guessing Michael Noonan who wrote that It may be time to take down this flag (POW/MIA) rather than broaden the range in which it flies is someone so young he has absolutely no idea what sacrifices our military have made so that he can say something so stupid..There are people missing in every war. What a cavalier attitude void of any sympathy. There is no reasonable basis to assume those who are not accounted for must thus be prisoners of the other side he states. Do you think it matters to the families of these unaccounted for soldiers whether they’re missing or prisoners? They have no closure. Their comrades who fought with them will always remember them..America is already in serious unpatriotic trouble (aren’t we all supposed to be on the same side?) and once we attempt to work at forgetting rather than remembering and honoring POW/MIA’s, America’s soul is lost forever and I fear it’s closer than any of us think..Mr. Noonan it may take your father, mother, wife or child to become POW/MIA before you learn compassion and respect for any missing or captured soldier. I sincerely hope, for your sake, you never live that ongoing nightmare as have way too many others.