

Our friend Pat is often lecturing me and Skip about the need for Republican unity. "Now is not the time for purges," he tells us, whenever we start to discuss those Republicans that represent a big part of the problem the GOP has had in sticking together on core issues. I believe that just being willing to call yourself a Republican is not good enough. When entire careers are made aiding and abetting the liberal Democrats on spending, social issues, and everything else in between, I say, "OUT!" Or, more precisely, "There– shine the light and illuminate the problem, no matter who they are."





If ordinary folks don’t find some reason to support Republicans at the polls, other than they’re not Democrats, the party of Lincoln will continue to be on the outside looking in. I believe that allowing anti-Republican Republicans to thrive unquestioned is a major contributing factor to the defeat in November. If we don’t rid the party of the rot from within, it will continue to languish in electoral distress.
Every man has his breaking point, though, and Pat has found his. Now he sees things as Skip and I. The time has come to point the boney finger at one of our own. Writes Pat at AnkleBitingPundits:
I am deeply troubled that the GOP still does not appear to get it with respect to the corrupting influence of pork. I’m sick of it. Sick and tired. We are either the party or small, clean government or we are the party that merely rewards a different set of friends than the other party.
What Pat refers to is the latest example of how many Republican regulars and leaders still fail to see the forest for the trees. (Follow up post here) He picks up on a simple post by Erick at RedState that earned a reference on today’s Drudge. Well- "simple" might be too light, as Erick is a major conservative blogger and he has declared war on the Republican leadership.

“Today, I declare war on the Republican Leadership of the United States House of Representatives. … We must scalp one member. That member’s name is Ken Calvert.”

Could this be the spark that finally lights a candle under the collective rear-ends of dazed Republicans?
See Pat. This is what we mean when we lament the local R.I.N.O.s in the party and wish to do something about them. We should encourage some to do the right thing and become Democrats. The rest must actually do something. And do it in uncorruptable fashion. A scalping purge? Well, yeah. Why not?



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