The local paper (unavailable online) has noticed the latest project that the gang at the ‘Grok is supporting…

Gilford bloggers take aim at pending NH civil union law
by Michael KitchSaturday May 19, 2007GILFORD — Doug Lambert and Skip Murphy, the protean conservative couple who spawned the internet blogs GilfordGrok and GraniteGrok and the radio program "Meet the New Press," have launched a new cyber enterprise, Conserve NH, a petition movement aimed at quashing legislation that permits civil unions that grant couples of the same gender the rights and obligations of married couples..Lambert said that he and Murphy have joined with Paul Nagy, a longtime conservative activist, and Patrick Hynes, a partner in their blogs and broadcasts, to mount a petition to present to Governor John Lynch, urging him to veto House Bill 437, already adopted by both the NH House of Representatives and Senate. The petition reads:
"The traditional family unit is the strongest thread in the fabric of our society. When governments use their power to redefine the family unit, they?water down our values and weaken our societal foundations. Despite no discussion of the subject during the 2006 campaign and limited (even restricted, some contend) public input during the early weeks of the current legislative session, the New Hampshire Legislature has decided to do just this. By passing a law legalizing civil unions for homosexual couples over Easter Weekend, the Legislature has ignored reams of data that demonstrate the significant negative consequences of policies that demean the traditional family unit and harm our communities. We hereby urge you to veto the civil unions measure, which ignores 5,000?years of recorded history and the will of the New Hampshire people."Since Lynch has said that he will sign the bill in to law, both Lambert and Murphy anticipated that Conserve NH will ultimately turn its efforts to repealing the statute. "I expect the bill will become law and we will shift into another gear to repeal it," Murphy said..
Beyond collecting signatures on a petition, Lambert did not specify the steps Conserve NH might take to repeal a statute permitting civil unions, other than explaining that "those who are opposed to civil unions must fight the battle in the court of public opinion.".
Murphy described Conserve NH as "a group of concern citizens," which he said "should remain focused on this one issue." Neither Lambert nor Murphy foresee Conserve NH taking on other issues..(Reprinted with permission)
Judy Paris of Bradford and Carrie McGee of Concord are also founding members of the group organizing the petition drive. They were not mentioned in the story.
Time’s running out! Hurry up and click here to sign the petition.