Can you handle the truth? About that constitutional amendment…




A commenter to a post here on the ‘Grok left a link to this YouTube of testimony given in opposition to Governor Lynch’s education funding amendment. It was delivered to the Senate committee considering CACR18 by Concord resident Irena Goddard back on April 3rd.
Irena is from the former Communist satellite state of Czechoslovakia. Her case against the state funding of education is the most powerful, and yes, intense, agument I have heard against the whole concept of centralized control of student learning to date. Of course, I can hear the naysayers now, "Oh Doug, please. Communism? Here in America? What Irena speaks of is not possible…" I think her case is VERY plausible, and our destiny if we aren’t careful. You can read the text here, but I’d recommend watching the video to hear Irena’s words for yourself.
Asks Irena,

"Have you ever lived in a communist country? Well I have…"

<YouTube here>





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