A dumb question… Who’ll pay? You know the answer.


                       money sack

Now that it appears that illegal aliens will be able to pay a $5,000 fine as part of a process to become a legal US citizen, what happens when they can’t pay? Most of the people I know in my daily life would have trouble scraping together five grand– and they’re all legal.
Will the government (my tax dollars) then subsidize those who simply can’t pay? If the illegals are already collecting welfare, social security, and getting "free" medical care subsidized by MY insurance premiums, why not just pay their "fine" too? While we’re at it, let’s give ’em all a tax break also. Oh wait, we are
What’s really bad about all this is that while this post is meant to be humorous by being absurd, I just know that somehow, some way, this is EXACTLY what will happen…




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