The group gathers in Rep Hodes’ Concord office on Friday
New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District representative Paul Hodes was taken to the proverbial woodshed Friday afternoon in his Concord office. A group of a dozen or so Granite Staters– many of the same so-called "Moms" we’ve covered here at the ‘Grok in prior postings (here, here, and here), the Blue and Gold Star Mothers of NH, military families, proud veterans, the Pease Greeters, and other friends and supporters– met with Congressman Hodes late on Friday to make known to him their displeasure with his recent vote on the war funding appropriations bill passed by the Democratic-controlled Congress.
There was no doubt that the group, meeting for a scheduled appointment with Hodes, fully supports the troops and wants them supported by Congress… all the way through to victory. Many of those gathered have close relatives past and present in the military. Despite his pleadings to the contrary, the Congressman was accused of a lack of concern and caring for the troops. The group demanded he give the mission the money it needs, without a timeline. He pretty much stood his ground, issuing the standard Democrat party talking point about the war– "I support the troops and only want them to be safe…" etc, including this:
Congressman Hodes explains his vote to the group.
"My concern is our very presense tends to fuel, in general, the global extremist movement."
Allison Scammon of the Pease Greeters, also with a sister in active duty over in Iraq and other relatives retired from the service told Congressman Hodes what she thought of his and his fellow majority members’ votes:
"If this Congress was sitting during World War II, we would be having this discussion in German right now!"
Ouch! The group didn’t pull any punches. And they didn’t have much use for any of his explanations which pretty much followed the usual Democrat line we’ve been hearing from Pelosi, Murtha, and the rest of the cut and run crowd. They weren’t buying any of it.
I will be putting several more posts up regarding this event. The patriotism and level of energy and enthusiasm for the troops, the mission, and our country exuded by the "Moms" & co. is certainly worthy of sharing with as many people as possible. If more of this were to catch on, there’s no telling what America might be able to accomplish. Like the members of the US Armed Forces, they are doing our Nation, and our children and their children a great service.