Yesterday, Pravda on the Merrimack ran an editorial arguing that the out-of-control Democrats in Concord are simply "doing what voters sent them to do." Funny, all I remember by way of a platform was "Bush lied, people died." Apparently, there were a few "Bush lied, pass a seat belt law" and "Bush lied, civil unions" thrown in for good measure. Pravda on the Merrimack couldn’t resist taking their usual elitist cheap shot at those who don’t share their dream of turning New Hampshire into Cuba of the North:
"Today, only one-third of New Hampshire’s residents are natives. In one generation, the state has gone from the middle of the pack nationally in average education level and per-capita income to eighth and seventh, respectively – near the top of the heap – thanks to the influx of better-educated flatlanders. But the newcomers also were more likely to vote Democratic."
But hasn’t the Monitor always said that only dummies oppose income taxes. So wouldn’t that make the folks moving here from states with income taxes the dummies?