Here is what Rep. Dave Hess, a "leader" of Republicans in the N.H. House had to say about the Supreme Court’s ultimatum to the Legislature that it define an adequate education: "’There is no way to back away from the position. We have to adopt something,’ said Rep. David Hess, R-Hooksett. He and other Republicans argue that the state should define adequacy and put a funding plan in place at the same time."
No, Dave, we don’t "have to adopt something." The judiciary doesn’t have the constitutional power to order the Legislature to pass a law. Where did you get your law degree?
Given that the Republicans in N.H. have made a loser like Dave Hess one of their "leaders" it is no wonder that the Republican Party was such a loser in 2006. The question I have is why conservatives continue to cling so tightly to this pathetic, sinking ship.