According to Sea-Porter, she has the moral authority to opine on the Iraq war, but Fergus Cullen does not, because she is a "military spouse," but Fergus has not served either directly or through transitivity as Shea-Porter did.
But wouldn’t that give George W. Bush, who served, albeit not in combat, more moral authority than Shea-Porter? Which means that she shouldn’t criticize the reinforcements being sent to Iraq.
I’m sure that Shea-Porter would point out, in response, that Jack "Ab-Scam" Murtha served in combat, and he opposes the reinforcements. Which means that we, in turn, cannot say anything in support of reinforcing the troops.
But wait. John McCain. He was a POW. Which must give him even more moral authority than Murtha to opine on the Iraq War. Under Carol’s logic, then, she must support the idea of sending in even more reinforcements than Bush has sent.