“Murder Inc. dba Planned Parenthood”

Friend Bill Asbell of Dover forwarded the following note to me, reacting off the story getting widespread attention throughout the New Media this week: the premature baby born 21 weeks and 6 days after conception. He has agreed to share it with GraniteGrok readers.
Science is making abortion "rights" or as some would euphemistically call the invention "reproductive rights" a harder and harder form of evil to support, using reason and logic. We now have children surviving and going home from the hospital with their parents to lead normal lives who are born at an age earlier than hundreds of thousands of their fellow Americans who are legally murdered because of their inconvenience to those who already made their choice, when they chose to conceive them.
Will the moral relativists who cynically decry the death penalty in the same breath that they defend the slaughter of innocents ever come to their senses? I have my doubts, because the culture of death is a very real and powerful force in the world. It is an Atheistic, secularist force that sees humans as means, not ends in themselves. It denies the existence of the human soul and of human rights qua human.
We saw this force in power through Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Hussein, Kim Jong Il, Robespierre and many others. It currently rears its sophist head as scientism, the belief that if it can be done, it should be done because all science is good science. Now, the NH Legislature in their great wisdom, wants to remove parental authority from NH parents and give that authority to Planned Parenthood which is a profit-seeking wholesaler of baby-parts and organs. Murder Incorporated is what they should be really called. "Murder Inc. dba Planned Parenthood".  The photo below and the accompanying story make this FACT all the more clear.
When I leave this world to be judged, let Him not ask me, "Why did you do nothing? Why did you SAY nothing, while your brothers and sisters were being efficiently massacred?"  Like the efficiency of the gas chambers and ovens of Auschwitz, the most profound evil is always surgically clean and very efficient. That which is lawful does not equate to that which is just.


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