Washington, Lincoln and Reagan. Yes Reagan. When he came into office the Soviet Union was advancing everywhere, even in our own backyard. We foolishly had neglected our military, largely because we were in a foolish denial about the intentions of the Soviet Union and the evil of communism. Domestically, we were in a malaise, suffering double-digit inflation and unemployment. Reagan understood that the only way to deal with the Soviet Union was through military strength and moral clarity. He rebuilt the military. Indeed, he was a visionary when it came to military matters. It was SDI that caused the Soviet Union to loosen up the controls that were strangling creativity and progress, which unleashed the winds of change that blew apart one of the most evil empires the world has ever seen. He also spoke the simple truth that the Soviet Union was evil. Domestically, Reagan understood that government was not the solution, government was the problem. By cutting taxes and regulations, he laid the groundwork for the economic boom we have been experiencing since the 1980’s. Not bad for an "affable dunce."