
The State Senate yesterday passed a bill to ban smoking in bars and restaurants.  I find smoking disgusting, but what about the principle that private property is, well, private? 

Apparently, the seven Republicans who voted against  the bill offered several amendments designed to point out that the Democrats were being unprincipled.  "If we’re not prepared to protect seniors and children that are in foster homes, then we shouldn’t be worrying about a cocktail waitress who can get another job," said Senate Republican leader Ted Gatsas of Manchester.  Click here.  Of course, under the Democrats’ logic, why stop with nursing homes and foster homes.  How can we let any children be exposed to second-hand smoke?  To be sure, I think that parents that smoke in the presence of their children are selfish, idiots.  But once we start down this path, where do we stop?  Shouldn’t it also be illegal for parents to cook with trans-fat?  Shouldn’t there also be a limit on how much "fast-food" parents can serve their children?

Apparently, some Democrats are ready to head in that direction.  That bastion of bombast, Peter Burling, said he intends to bring back some of the Republican amendments as a separate bill.

The smoking ban apparently is supported by 79% of state residents.  Which shows how tempting it is to take away the liberty of others.  However, if you believe that it is legitimate for government to take away the liberties of others, then you have no principled basis for complaining, and only yourself to blame, when government takes away the liberties you value. 



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