It’s been a while…

It has been quite some time since the prestigious GraniteGrok "Dope of the Week" award was last bestowed. Not that there haven’t been any deserving candidates, mind you. We just, you know… forgot.
The wait is over! Let the white smoke puffs billow from the chimney! Sound the klaxon! Ring all the bells! Hooray! (well, not really) We have a new "Dope of the Week"! Actually, 246 dopes, to be exact. The AP has the story:
The Democratic-controlled House issued a symbolic rejection of President Bush’s decision to deploy more troops to Iraq on Friday, opening an epic confrontation between Congress and commander in chief over an unpopular war…
The vote on the nonbinding measure was 246-182, and within minutes, Democrats said their next move would be to challenge Bush’s request for $93 billion in new funds for the Pentagon.
Don’t they get it? This isn’t like a ball game where the weenies can just take their bat and ball and go home. Do they think that the new world war will simply stop with the retreat of our forces? Of course not. Our avowed enemies will simply move on to whatever the next step might be in their quest for the ultimate destruction of America and Western civilization.
Oh, and of the 246 "dopes", 17 were Republicans. Is this what they really want?


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