I’m sure that Bush has had his eyes checked since he looked into Putin’s eyes and saw the soul of a good man. Surely now, what Bush saw was a reflection of his own heart and soul. The former(?) KGB man rules a government that is once again filling the world with a never-ending stream of evil, corruption, and chaos much in the same vein as the old Soviet Union.
As Iran continues in its attempt to force-march the world to the brink of nuclear armageddon, our "friends" the Russians continue to do their part to "help" us. Reuters reports
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia has delivered new anti-aircraft missile systems to Iran and will consider further requests by Tehran for defensive weapons, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said on Tuesday.
"We have supplied the modern short-range anti-aircraft systems TOR-M1 in accordance with our contracts," Ivanov told reporters. "Iran is not under sanctions and if it wants to buy defensive … equipment for its armed forces then why not?"
Hmmm. I suppose he’s right. Why not? That way there, when all else fails and either the US or the Israelis must make a last-ditch effort to prevent the Iranians from finishing the "Islamo-bomb", it will be that much harder. Thanks Vlad!