Can you imagine what it’s like to be a member of the Bill Clinton water-carriers brigade today? And the New York Times- certainly they are all twisted into a knot today as well…
Seems their all time favorite president and his administration had other tricks up their sleeves in addition to the jack-booted thug antics at Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Elian Gonzalez "rescue". A trick so heinous that it’s an act that the evil George W. Bush has perpetrated it (and probably every other modern wartime president), to the dismay of the New York Times. That’s right…
Electronic Eavesdropping!
And worse, it was against one of the liberals other sainted icons:
Princess Diana! reports:
American intelligence agencies were bugging Princess Diana’s telephone over her relationship with a US billionaire, the Evening Standard has learned.
Of course, this won’t raise to the level of indignation for any moonbat, because, after all, it wasn’t al Qaida. And it’s Bill Clinton. So it’s OK. Besides, ‘ole Bill the hound dog probably wanted the tapes of her talkin’ dirty so that he could, you know… After all, it was just a personal, private matter. Everybody havin’ phone sex. Yeah- that’s it!