Have you ever come across some little tidbit of information and just scratch your head in wonderment? Such was the case when I came upon this bit of news:
Doctors and Children’s Groups Say Male Circumcision Must be Voluntary, Consensual
National Institutes of Health’s endorsement of adult male circumcision leaves the question of infant circumcision unanswered..SAN DIEGO, California – Physicians and children’s rights advocates are calling on the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) to formulate a clear policy on male circumcision so that minors are protected from being circumcised for medically unnecessary reasons. The plea follows Wednesday’s NIH announcement that findings from two new African clinical trials show that adult male circumcision helped protect men from acquiring the HIV/AIDS virus over a 15 month period.
Great. The timing on this from these "doctors" and child "advocates" couldn’t be better. As people from around the globe are working in an effort to stem the AIDS crisis sweeping that impoverished continent, along come these clowns.
“The only complete protection against HIV is safe sex and any decision to circumcise should be made by the owner of the foreskin when he is able to give informed consent,” says David Smith, who is General Manager of NORM-UK, a UK based foreskin health charity.
"Foreskin health charity"? Of all the groups and causes I’ve encountered, I can’t say I ever thought there was one in the name of the foreskin. (Can you imagine the group’s fundraising campaign- instead of a progressive thermometer in the town square indicating the growth of donations, they could have a … oh, nevermind)
Since the beginning of CIVILIZED history, male circumcision has represented a type of "cleanliness" that has been long accepted. There has also long been a religious context as well.
Although female circumcision of minors was outlawed by Congress in 1996, a similar law does not exist to protect males. As a result, circumcision is still performed on nearly 60% of infant boys, either because the parents request it or because a doctor or religious advisor recommends it.
A deeper look into those behind this issue reveals many of the same people who continually work to strip away parental rights are the same ones involved here. The demeaning of male circumcision, a procedure even the UN believes has some merit, is in my mind, just another piece of the ongoing assault on Judeo-Christian values.