And I thought the Dems would lead this charge... - Granite Grok

And I thought the Dems would lead this charge…

After spending the last several years paving the way for Democratic control of the state of NH, Granite State "Republicans"- and more particularly, R.I.N.O.s (Republicans In Name Only)- continue to carry their water…
In this posting right after the election, I noted the following:
The November 9th Citizen (Laconia, NH) reported on what the newly-elected Democrat majority has in mind for its first order of business when they take hold of the reigns of power here in NH: repeal the state’s parental-notification law.
One of the first things on the Democrats’ agenda now that they hold the majority in both houses of the Legislature could be to repeal the state’s parental notification law.
On Wednesday, hours after an electoral tidal wave swept them into power, several prominent Democrats said they would support a repeal of the controversial law. "I hope so," Sen. Lou D’Allesandro, D-Manchester, said of the potential appeal.
What really irks me about this is that there was not one peep about this issue during the entire campaign, and yet this is what’s being fingered as their first priority- allowing underage minors to have an invasive medical procedure performed without parental or guardian knowledge.
Guess what? I was wrong. It’s not a DEMOCRAT that’s started the ball rolling! It’s a REPUBLICAN!!

In his November 30th "Granite Status" column, NH Union Leader Senior Political Reporter John Distaso writes:
Gov. John Lynch isn’t yet publicly committing to signing a repeal of the state’s controversial parental notification law, according to his spokesman. But Democrats and some Republicans are ready to sink it and make the continuing federal court case simply go away in the process.
The vehicle for the move is now in sight and it’s not coming from a Democrat, but instead, from a leading pro-choice Republican. Rep. Elizabeth Hager of Concord tells the Status, "I really want to moot that case."
The U.S. Supreme Court last spring remanded the case to the lower courts and, as legal paperwork continues to fly, Hager is banking on the huge turnover from Republicans to Democrats in the Legislature.
"We had defeated parental notification bills consistently over the years until Craig Benson became governor," she said. "I don’t think it should have been New Hampshire, which is so pro-choice, as the state in front of the U.S. Supreme Court."
Got that? A Republican. The following comes from the NH GOP Platform:

Believing the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed upon; supporting a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorsing legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children; requiring parental consent for minors seeking abortions; barring the use of public resources to fund or promote abortion; banning the procedure of partial-birth abortion; supporting the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.

This too:

Oppose actions that inhibit and/or supplant the role of parents in the care and upbringing of children.

Straight from the platform. Tell me again why these R.I.N.O.s need to be coddled and accepted within the party? It’s one thing to hold these beliefs as a party member. It’s another to actively work to undermine key provisions of the foundation of the party. And remember, I have NOT raised the issue of the taking of an unborn person’s life. I have only looked at this from the point of a parent’s rights involving an invasive medical procedure…
