Pelosi’s “100 Hour Agenda” … “Night of the long knives” redux?

Rhonda Schwartz writes in ABC News’ The Blotter:
Halliburton, the CIA and big tobacco companies are among the early targets identified by top Democratic staff to ABC News as likely targets for investigation once the Democrats take control of the House at the beginning of next year.
The staffers say Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), now expected to become speaker, has told top Democratic donors there is a "100-hour agenda" she wants to push through — taking on the minimum wage, drug and energy prices and corruption. 
Defense contractors, including Halliburton, the intelligence rationale for the war in Iraq and CIA secret prisons are what one staffer called "uninvestigated scandals."
Click here to read the entire article entitled, "Payback Time: Who the Democrats will Target". Funny- I don’t recall anything like this in 1994 when the GOP captured the US House.
When Rome slouched from republic to empire, the chosen method of the transfer of power from one emperor to the next became assasination. In modern America, we are more "civilized." We simply strangle our leaders with lawsuits…
The long knives are drawn. The decline continues.
"The warlike states of antiquity, Greece, Macedonia, and Rome, educated a race of soldiers; exercised their bodies, disciplined their courage, multiplied their forces by regular evolutions, and converted the iron which they possessed into strong and serviceable weapons. But this superiority insensibly declined with their laws and manners"


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