Famed science-fiction writer- who actually started the genre- Jules Verne, wrote of many futuristic ideas that have almost all become reality. In 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, he observed (mind you, it was 1870):
The human mind delights in grand visions of supernatural beings.
Indeed it does. In our modern times, the movies and stories written about super races and "perfected" beings gone bad (or sometimes good) abound. In 1875, Verne wrote, in The Mysterious Island
Men, however learned they may be, can never change anything of the cosmographical order established by God Himself.
In 1932, Aldous Huxley in his Brave New World wrote,
Bokanovsky’s process is one of the major instruments of social stability!
In case you were wondering, "Bokanovsky’s process" was the means of human "reproduction" in Huxley’s future world- cloning. Again from his famous book:
"O brave new world," he repeated. "O brave new world that has such people in it. Let’s start at once."
Let’s fast-forward to today. The BBC News has an interesting article that is related to the quotations I reprinted above.
Plan to create human-cow embryos
UK scientists have applied for permission to create embryos by fusing human DNA with cow eggs. Researchers from Newcastle University and Kings College, London, have asked the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority for a three-year licence. The hybrid human-bovine embryos would be used for stem cell research and would not be allowed to develop for more than a few days. But critics say it is unethical and potentially dangerous.
Dangerous? I’ll say. Can you imagine if Adolf Hitler had such scientific "ability" available to him? In August, 1923 he said
It matters not whether these weapons of ours are humane: if they gain us our freedom, they are justified before our conscience and before our God.
With history littered with the destruction caused by madmen like Hitler, can we even risk unleashing the ingredients to some "created" super (or sub-human) being. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the story begins with a simple letter about an experiment of science:
“You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings."
"Don’t you understand, Doug? This stem-cell, cloning stuff can CURE DISEASES!" What other "good" might be achieved down the road? When will the current stuff of science fiction become reality? It’s only a matter of time. Do you think Hitler will be the last of his sort to grace the world’s stage? History is a continual rerun. Only the names change… "By your command…"