The November 9th Citizen (Laconia, NH) reported on what the newly-elected Democrat majority has in mind for its first order of business when they take hold of the reigns of power here in NH: repeal the state’s parental-notification law.
One of the first things on the Democrats’ agenda now that they hold the majority in both houses of the Legislature could be to repeal the state’s parental notification law..On Wednesday, hours after an electoral tidal wave swept them into power, several prominent Democrats said they would support a repeal of the controversial law. "I hope so," Sen. Lou D’Allesandro, D-Manchester, said of the potential appeal.
What really irks me about this is that there was not one peep about this issue during the entire campaign, and yet this is what’s being fingered as their first priority- allowing underage minors to have an invasive medical procedure performed without parental or guardian knowledge.
Why was it never mentioned at all during the campaign season, yet it comes out before the last ballots have even been counted? Does this not indicate the same-old Democrat party that we’ve all come to know- a party where the main tactic is obfuscation? When was the last time ANY Democrat ran a campaign in which their goals have been out there for all to see?
Do they tell us they want to raise taxes? No. But they do. Do they tell us they loathe personal responsibilty and would gladly hand all personal authority to some government agency? No. But they do. Other than a few token military men, do they tell us they loathe the US military? No. But you know they do.
And now this- do they tell us they stand for a teenage girl’s right to murder her child in the womb? No- but they obviously do.
Friday morning my 15 year-old son had a dentist appointment. My wife, having errands to do dropped him off, planning to pick him up after his cavity got filled. Guess what? I got a phone call requesting me to either track down my wife so she could go back and give permission for the work (requiring novacane) or I had to pen a letter and fax it to the dentist’s office stating there were no medical changes with him, giving them the OK to proceed…
I was required to give permission to have his teeth worked on! If it had been my daughter, and she was murdering a child in her womb (an invasive, and, for some, risky procedure), I would have NO legal standing in the Democratic- controlled state of NH!
Is this what the voters of NH were looking for when they chose the Democrats? Probably not. It’s too late now.
Rep. Dan Eaton, D-Stoddard, is one of four Democrats seeking the House speaker’s chair. He said the new speaker, whoever it is, will lead the charge to repeal the law.
"That will be the first thing, and it will be fast and easy," said Eaton.
Just like the act itself. Fast and easy…