Two quick thoughts…

by Doug
A couple of quick thoughts for a Columbus Day here in Central NH so beautiful that only God could have made it…
First, the anti- Columbus Day movement in the country mostly comes from the liberal-run public school system. The people in charge of those institutions these days despise Columbus. On the other hand, most regular Joe and Jane Sixpacks here in America see no problem with Columbus. Why is it that most anti-Columbus people get today off with pay, while those who like Columbus (like me) are stuck working? Go figure…
The fall foliage is at its absolute finest right now here in NH. Combined with stunningly perfect weather, it is the epitome of what is meant by "Indian Summer." As I look out at the mountains awestruck by the natural beauty, it occured to me that this should not be allowed to stand… the name of the weather, that is.
If it is racist to name a sports team after Indians, isn’t it even worse to name a weather anomaly after them? I propose we call summerlike days of early fall something less derogatory like "panther summer" or "eagle summer." Does anyone know the ACLU’s phone number? How long can we allow the outrage to continue?


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