Thanks to a September 19th press release, The Neturei Karta International, "a worldwide organization of Orthodox Jews opposed to Zionism," earns GraniteGrok’s prestigious "Dope of the Week Award" (DOTW) with their announcement that the group
has officially extended her hand, together with many believing Jews, to the Iranian President Ahmadinejad, upon his historic viisit to the United States. The respectful display of friendship brings peace, harmony, respect and trust.
OK- while this is certainly a nutty idea- it’s an idea espoused by a great number of emotionally guided liberals and their Democratic comrades in government, this alone does not earn this obscure group the DOTW award- otherwise we would run out of space and time handing out awards.
This statement (while certainly deserving) from their press release doesn’t earn it for them either:
It is the sincere hope of Torah true Jews, with the help of the Almighty, that this expression of peace will counter the provocations of the Zionist organizations. The motes operandi of Zionism and its organizations, is the cause of animosity and mistrust, which can only bring catastrophic results, endangering Jews and non-Jews alike, in Palestine, the U.S.A. and around the world.
This is the belief of moonbats of all stripes. No what earns them the GraniteGrok DOTW award is when Neturei Karta International says this:
Despite media and Zionist hysteria to the contrary, the Iranian President has always been a dear friend of the Jewish people and has profound respect for the Jewish religion.
Huh!? A "dear friend of the Jewish people"? A little history seems in order here… Back in October 2005, in a speech, Iranian President Ahmadinejad declared
“Israel must be wiped off the map.”."Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism?…You had best know that this slogan and this goal are attainable, and surely can be achieved.”
Friendly words, eh? I wonder what the Neturei Karta International thinks about what one of Ahmadinejad’s advisors had to say about the Jews not that long ago. From the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI):
On June 9, 2006, the reformist online daily Rooz reported that during a visit with students at Gilan University in Rasht, Iran, Mohammad Ali Ramin, advisor to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, discussed historical accusations against the Jews and questioned the Holocaust."On a visit to Gilan University, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s advisor Mohammad Ali Ramin said to a group of students in the town of Rasht: ‘We Iranians are definitely not, and never have been, nationalistic, and we are not against any ethnic [group]. We certainly do not worship race, nor [are we] against any race, and we nave never perpetrated genocide. This is why Islam, which appeared and advanced [the notion of] equality among nations and among peoples, greatly appealed to us Iranians. We have accepted the [principle] of equality among nations since the days of the Achaemenids. [2] Antisemitism, therefore, has no place in our Iranian [culture]. I myself honestly fight for just treatment of Judaism. Ten years ago, [when] I first brought up the issue of the Holocaust in this country, my intention was to defend the Jews…."’But among the Jews there have always been those who killed God’s prophets and who opposed justice and righteousness. Throughout history, this religious group has inflicted the most damage on the human race, while some groups within it engaged in plotting against other nations and ethnic groups to cause cruelty, malice and wickedness.."’Historically, there are many accusations against the Jews. For example, it was said that they were the source for such deadly diseases as the plague and typhus. This is because the Jews are very filthy people.
The words of a "friend" indeed. What of Ahmadinejad’s pals? You know- the leaders of the religion that so influences the Iranian president? Again from MEMRI:
The official Iranian news agency Fars, which is close to the conservative circles in Iran, recently published a statement by Ayatollah Hossein Nouri-Hamedani, one of the Iranian regime’s leading religious authorities, in which he advocates fighting the Jews in order to prepare the ground and to hasten the advent of the Hidden Imam, the Messiah according to Shiite belief.
It should be noted that the Fars news agency took the report off its web site several hours after its publication, and other Iranian media outlets close to the conservatives refrained from citing it.Ayatollah Nouri-Hamedani, discussing [Shi’ite] religious texts, said: ‘One should fight the Jews and vanquish them so that the conditions for the advent of the Hidden Imam be met.’."According to this religious authority, ‘at present the Jews’ policies threaten us. One should explain in the clearest terms the danger the Jews pose to the [Iranian] people and to the Muslims. Ever since Islam’s appearance, the group that expressed fierce opposition to Islam – and still acts in this fashion – were the Jews. They were involved in the Khaybar, Uhud, and Ahzab wars.’ [3] He added: ‘Already from the beginning the Jews wanted to hoard the world’s goods in [their] greed and voracity. They always worked in important professions and now they have hoarded all of the wealth in one place. And all of the world, especially America and Europe, are their slaves.’"
Hitler couldn’t have said it any better. Could the Jews that make up the Neturei Karta International be any more mistaken in their assessment of Ahmadinejad’s "respect" for them and their religion? What a bunch of dopes!
(Click here for DOTW archives)