Notable Quote: Brit Hume on radical Islam

by Doug
Michelle Malkin reports on observations put forth by Brit Hume during this week’s panel discussion (about the Fox News employees’ release from captivity) on Fox News Sunday that really sums up radical Islam and the Israeli/Palestinian problems in a nutshell:

Hume: Yes, and what an appealing faith these thugs must believe Islam is, that conversions have to be effected at the point of a gun.

And what of the argument that all of the ills and troubles that beset the Palestinian people, that lead them to terrorism, are the cause of what they endlessly refer to as the illegal Israeli occupation.

Consider the latest rounds of trouble in Gaza and Lebanon, two places from which Israel has withdrawn.

It has been noted that not for one day after the Israeli pullout from Gaza did the rocket attacks that came from Gaza ever stop. We’re not dealing here with something that is susceptible to a political resolution of the kind of which the State Department and many a president has dreamed.

We’re dealing here with a lawless enemy whose goal far transcends any side-by-side, two-state solution. That isn’t going to do it. We’re dealing with a terrorist, gangland-style enemy, which I think it’s fair to conclude, and this episode only further illustrates it, must be defeated.

Brit Hume is a rare journalist who really seems to "get it" and has an ability to lay it in front of his viewers in an understandable way. Skip and I have both posted many observations on this topic. Go to the "War with Islamofascists" category by clicking here. Go directly here and here for some of our favorites…


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