Let the games begin!

by Doug
As we get closer to the ’08 presidential primary season, the movers and shakers have predictably begun the quadrennial kabuki dance with candidates and supporters. Who’s in? Who’s out? Will so-and-so still support candidate so-and-so this time around? Who’s really working for who? Living here in NH, where we are "almost first in the nation" to cast presidential ballots in pre-election party voting, the politics and machinations never stop. While the rest of the country dreams of American Idol and speculates upon the soon-to start football season, here in NH, the political "pre-season" is upon us.
The major players have started to make their moves. And already, some of these "moves" are being questioned by those in the know… 
The NHInsider’s "Rumor Mill" has the scoop. Click here. Fasten your seatbelts, folks. It’s gonna be a wild ride!


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