We Might Run, But We Can’t Hide

by Doug
So let me get this straight. Iranians are found among the Hezbollah in Lebanon. Of course we know the rockets raining down on Israel originated in Iran. We are fighting the ongoing battle of Iraq against an insurgency supported by mainly Iran. The fight against the Islamofascists of Afghanistan continues in a cyclical pattern. Quiet. Then a rise of violence. Then we find out that a number of Egyptian students turn up missing upon arriving here in the US. What might they be doing here? (Perhaps this?) This morning we wake up to find out a major terror attack has been (at this time it is believed, anyway) thwarted in Great Britain- an attack that may have involved up to 50 people. An attack against airplanes full of people bound for the US. The latest attack in the new world war.
Meanwhile, in Connecticut, the liberal Democrat voters gave longtime party stalwart Joe Lieberman, a primary supporter of the war, the boot in favor of an antiwar leftie determined to see the country cut and run.
Taking leave from the new world war doesn’t mean it won’t follow us wherever we might go (withdraw). The Israelis have been yielding to "world community" demands for "withdrawal" and exchanging "land for peace" for years. In effect- "cutting and running." Yet, as current events demonstrate, it has only emboldened the enemy. Neville Chamberlain proclaimed "peace for our time" after making a deal with Hitler, instead of dealing with him. It came back to bite Great Britain down the road.


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