Press Release
Los Angeles, CA, July 6, 2006, Quixotic Media, announced today the upcoming theatrical release of the feature documentary Islam: What the West Needs to Know, An examination of Islam, violence, and the fate of the non-Muslim world. The movie will open in Landmark Theatres on July 7th in Chicago, Washington DC, and Atlanta.
As acts of Islamic terrorism have multiplied over the past years, numerous Western leaders have insisted that Islam is a "religion of peace," and that violence committed in its name contradicts the teachings of the Koran and the example of the prophet Muhammad. But rarely does this claim receive serious scrutiny.
For the first time, the question will be publicly asked, "Is Islam itself violent?"
Through an examination of the Koran, other Islamic texts, and the example of the prophet Muhammad, this documentary establishes through a sober and methodical presentation that violence against non-Muslims is and has always been an integral aspect of Islam. ‘Jihad’, while best translated as ‘struggle’, as represented in the Koran and the life of Muhammad, means nothing less than organized warfare against unbelievers. Furthermore, Muhammad’s life is the sacred and holy model that all faithful Muslims must follow today. Just as Muhammad waged war throughout Arabia in the 7th Century, his followers continued to conquer, enslave, and devastate other peoples and cultures on three continents.
An examination of Islam’s doctrines is necessary in order to understand the motivations of its faithful today and the present violent conflicts around the globe.
Produced and Directed by Gregory M. Davis and Bryan Daly, the film features interviews with noted experts on Islam: Abdullah Al-Araby, Bat Ye’or, Robert Spencer, Serge Trifkovic, and former terrorist Walid Shoebat.
The movie is 98 minutes and is unrated but contains no nudity, no obscenity, and no explicit violence.