The current state of affairs in Israel demonstrates what the future might hold for us if we don’t completely eradicate the Islamo-fascist threat: a world of constant terror attacks or the unseen threat thereof. Recent events in that embattled country demonstrate several maxims. Appeasement only strengthens an enemy and ultimately, the only way to deal with a barbarous enemy is strength and force. Consider their response in the recent abduction by Palestinian (Islamic) terrorists tied to the Palestinian thugs that make up their so-called government.
A June 27th BBC report notes Prime Minister
“Olmert has put the army on standby for an extensive military operation against Palestinian militants to free Cpl Shalit and Israeli tanks and armoured vehicles have been assembling on the Gaza border. ‘The question of freeing [Palestinian] prisoners is in no way on the Israeli government agenda,’ Mr Olmert said during a speech in Jerusalem. ‘There will be no negotiations, no bargaining, no agreements.’ Mr Olmert said that Israel would not allow itself to become the victim of ‘Hamas-terrorist blackmail’, warning that ‘a large-scale military operation is approaching…The time is approaching for a comprehensive, sharp and severe Israeli operation. We will not wait forever,’ Mr Olmert said. Cpl Shalit is believed to have been taken captive by militants who tunneled out of Gaza to attack the army post at Kerem Shalom.”