see no evil hear no evil

For the Democrat Party, Ignorance Is Not Bliss. It’s Essential.

In a recent post-election survey, 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states were asked about various significant news events leading up to the election.  They included, among other issues, the sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden from an incident in 1993, the financial scandal involving Joe and Hunter Biden, and the far-left ideology of Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris.

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Donald Trump’s Impossible Dreams

The blind hatred that consumes President Trump’s enemies is reflected in their poisonous rhetoric, which long ago exceeded inflammatory.  It’s become utterly insane.  They’ve labeled the president a white supremacist, a racist, a fascist, a tyrant, and even a traitor.

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Democrats have made a mockery of American elections

While Joe Biden is claiming a decisive victory in this presidential race and preparing to take up residency in the White House, President Trump’s legal team continues to challenge the outcome with hundreds of affidavits alleging voter fraud. Showing unabashed hypocrisy, Biden’s supporters, including virtually all the news media, casually dismiss those allegations.  But according … Read more

Biden Plan Simplified

Joe’s Plans Simplified

Joe has a plan. Following Elizabeth Warren’s example earlier in the campaign, they seem to be trying to convince voters that Biden has a precise plan for every problem, while his opponent is flying by the seat of his pants.

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Biden Bones Up

Biden’s Covert Conversion to Socialism

This is not Joe Biden’s first presidential run, nor is it his first encounter with character issues.  During the campaign of 1987, Biden’s presidential ambitions were derailed after voters learned he had plagiarized a campaign speech.  That led to the revelation that he had also plagiarized several pages of a paper while in law school.  … Read more

One America, Two Perspectives

One America, Two Perceptions

Many are calling the upcoming election the most important in our history.  The two presidential candidates in this election clearly have diametrically opposing views of our country, the problems we face, and the solutions they offer.

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Biden-Bernie socialism

Is this the Face of the New Socialist?

Democrats have spent a lot of time in recent years trying to shake off the label of “socialist.” Barack Obama used to brush it aside, scoff at it.  When Joe Biden was asked about it recently, he answered more directly, boasting, “I beat the socialist…Do I look like a socialist?”

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dividing the country

Don’t blame Trump for dividing our country.


As the Democrat nominee for president, Joe Biden is talking a lot these days about unifying the country.  During his acceptance speech, he mentioned the word “unite” at least eight times.  He said, “United we can, and will, overcome this season of darkness.”

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Joe Biden’s Courage to Conform

Joe Biden’s supporters have called him a man of courage. The late John Lewis used those very words to describe him shortly after Biden jumped into the presidential race.  Nancy Pelosi went a little further, calling Biden the “personification of hope and courage, values, authenticity, and integrity.”

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America's Future 2020

Still the Land of the Free? Maybe Not.

Before coronavirus and widespread rioting filled the headlines, there was the controversy over undocumented immigration and sanctuary cities.  Advocates of open borders were using the Statue of Liberty and the words inscribed in her base to defend their argument.

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Democrat Appeasement of the Squeaky Wheels

Have the squeaky wheels taken over?

Here in America, as in all free societies, we’ve always functioned under a simple, but essential concept – the principle of majority rule.  It has its flaws, but it’s vastly superior to totalitarian regimes, dictatorships, and oligarchies.

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The Democrats Are Accomplices to Chaos

It may be interesting to hear rational Democrats try to explain away the insane demands of their radical counterparts, but we really don’t need clarification.  When those radicals call for defunding and abolishing the police, they mean exactly what they say.

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Passionate and Clueless

Youthful Idiots and the Illusory Truth Effect

Watching the news coverage of the ongoing riots, I couldn’t help notice a couple of things.  First, was the anger, the feral vitriol directed at the police on the scene.  It was apparent in the faces and the actions of the rioters and in the signs scattered about, hateful signs like, “Blue Lives Murder,” and “Good Cops Are Dead Cops.”

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