Zelenskyy Teaches a Lesson in Leadership

Before the ruthless and devastating invasion of Ukraine, hardly anyone in America knew the name, “Zelenskyy.”  Volodymyr Zelenskyy had spent most of his adult life as an actor/comedian in Ukraine but became associated with a new political party, called Servant of the People, in early 2018.

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Democrat Lawmakers Caught on the Horns of a Dilemma

Loyalty has always been considered an admirable quality in the business world and in politics – in life in general.  Many would argue that loyalty is the foundation upon which any relationship is built. But what happens when loyalty conflicts with conscience?  What if we find ourselves in a situation where we have to choose … Read more

Joe Biden: Make America Hate Again

With only one year into his presidency, it’s probably too soon to be talking about Joe Biden’s legacy.  But from the very beginning of his administration, Biden has shown a willingness – no, a commitment – to foment division and hatred.  Unless he somehow acquires the skills of a real leader, it’s likely that his legacy has already been established.

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Can Authoritarianism Take Root in a Constitutional Republic?

Like most older Americans, I’ve always been proud of my country.  Those of us who have seen the corruption, the chaos and the ultimate collapse of so many other countries around the world have always felt secure, fortunate – even blessed – to live in a land where opportunity abounds and freedom is enshrined in our Constitution.

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Joe Biden – Boring but Dangerous

After months of promoting Joe Biden as an accomplished lawmaker, a gentleman politician, and a uniter, the best thing the media can say about him now is that he’s boring.  The New York Times published a recent article entitled “Voters Chose Boring Over Bombast…”

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More Sleight-of-Hand by Democrats and the Media

Most conservatives are utterly bewildered by the national apathy toward the ongoing border crisis.  They wonder why more Americans aren’t outraged by the onslaught of unscreened aliens illegally flooding across our border, or by an American President who ignores our immigration laws, who is unilaterally dismantling our border controls. Only a very small number of … Read more

Is Kamala Harris in over Her Head?

The vice president has come under widespread withering criticism following her recent disastrous interview with Lester Holt and that contrived expedition to Guatemala and Mexico to uncover the “root causes” of the border crisis.

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Poisoning the Minds of Future Generations with CRT

It seems that liberals have again come up with another cure for the ills of society.  They see critical race theory (CRT) as the elixir needed to treat Americans suffering from an acute ailment, one they didn’t even know they had – incurable systemic racism. By the turn of the 21st century, most people believed … Read more

It’s not chess; it’s just the classic shell game

USA Today recently ran a lengthy article analyzing the challenges that President Biden faces as he deals with the immigration problem on our southern border.  Written by an ensemble of well-respected journalists, the piece was entitled “High-level chess”: How Biden is navigating his relationship with Mexico’s President ‘AMLO.’  The article was accompanied by a photo … Read more

Realizing a Progressive Dream by Rewriting the English Dictionary

Today’s Democrats seem to have a way with words. They may have learned the power of word manipulation sometime around the turn of this century.  That’s when they introduced to America a radical concept once considered outlandish.  They couldn’t have done it without redefining a single word, a word that, throughout recorded history, meant the … Read more

Joseph the Scrantonian

In recent years, those on the left have been remarkably successful replacing America’s Judeo-Christian values with their own radical beliefs.  They’ve also been making significant progress replacing American icons with their own hierarchy of saints and sinners.

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