The Left is Climate Scaremongering Like It’s 1989

Steve MacDonald

Our readers, maybe nearly everyone, is aware that the “experts” and a significant number of novices are demanding government action now or the world is doomed in just over a decade. Free-Market Capitalism and cheap energy will end us. They said the same thing in 1989.

UN Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked. June 29th, 1989.


1989 - we have 11 years until the end of the world

“A senior UN environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.” What’s that, 11 years? That’s about how long we have left since the Green New Deal was announced. Doom by 2030. It’s what we call a Climate Cult Trend. Just far enough in the future for you to give over everything, including your rights to the government.

There are many examples of this going back into the last century and plenty more from this one. All of them hoaxes. Not one of them correct. Zero.

Our Climate Pharisees have failed to predict even one promised catastrophe or apocalypse. All while demanding, you fill their basket with larger and larger “loaves of bread.” Hoping beyond hope that the odds will eventually fall their way. And when they don’t well, they lie.

Joe D’Aleo, a Meteorologist, Climate expert, and New Hampshire resident, outlines some of these failures by stating what we’ve come to call the real inconvenient truths.

Heat records have declined since the 1930s, which holds 23 of the 50 state hottest ever temperature records.  This was the second quietest decade for landfalling hurricanes and major hurricanes since 1850. This was the quietest decade for tornadoes since tracking began in the 1950s. Sea level rises have slowed to 4 inches/century globally. Arctic ice has tracked with the 60-year ocean cycles and is similar to where it was in the 1920s to 1950s. NOAA could find no evidence of increased frequency of floods and droughts (this spring had the smallest % of US in drought on record). Snow which the university scientists here predicted would disappear, actually has set new records (fall and winter) for the hemisphere and North America, and both Boston and NYC have had more snow in the 10 years ending 2018 than any other 10 year period back to the late 1880s.

The only thing exceptional is the frequency and drama of the lies peddled by Democrats and the media to advance a political agenda or that people continue to believe them. In no other circumstance would anyone who has been wrong 100% of the time continue to be trusted. Doctors? Lawyers? Investment managers? Even acquaintances and friends would long ago have been left in your rearview.

No one has time for that much wrong in their lives – except when it comes to climate change. They can admit they are lying, and still people believe.

But this isn’t about the climate. It is about politicians who want to use the law to force you to change your behavior and pay them more of your hard-earned dollars to finance solutions to a problem whose effects they are incapable of predicting.

The very people who, day and night want nothing more than to find new and creative ways to raise your taxes are telling you that this something that cannot possibly be disproven can only be resolved (maybe) by taking more money from you and giving it to them.  They will then administer its use.

Instead of letting them steal from you to solve their addiction to your money (the only problem climate change exists to solve), replace them with representatives who will respect your intelligence. None of whom are Democrats.

November 2020 is coming. Don’t wait to make things “right,” again.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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