Pardon Rodger Stone – Watch Mueller Sweat

Republicans will never get a fair trial in Washington, DC. The US Senator Ted Stevens case is a prime example of this. The case against Senator Stevens is exactly what is going on in DC right now.

Manipulation of evidence, special rules invented to move the case forward, and the trial being in DC, not Alaska, where the crime of remodeling his summer camp was supposedly committed. And where witnesses for Stevens were left out of the DC case.

Nothing has changed in Washington and Rodger Stone is the latest victim.

But Stone is not your average Justice Department political target.

President Trump should fully pardon him and turn him loose to write the details of what was done to him by the judge, jury, and prosecutors. The gag order the crooked judge ordered against Stone was for a good reason. He should speak now free of her clutches.

In the Stevens case, some jurors should never have been allowed to participate. One worked for the Washington Post. Another was bragging about getting the Senator.

The prosecutors enraged the judge, Judge Emmitt Sullivan, by withholding evidence.

Some familiar names pop up as well: Muller, as with the case against Rodger Stone, needed to indict and convict Senator Stevens in a time frame that would drive him from office. That is why all semblance of a fair trial was dropped to accomplish this.

I don’t think Mueller has the capacity to go toe to toe with his shady past being uncovered on a daily basis by Rodger Stone.

President Trump can expose more of the Deep State in DC by letting someone who was just railroaded do the job for him.

Pardon Rodger Stone – watch Mueller sweat.

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