Greta Thunberg Can’t Seem to Get a “Carbonless” Ride Home….

by Skip

Greta Thunberg is the 16-year-old Swedish girl that the Left has deemed “our modern Joan of Arc” on Global Warming. No, really –  without recognizing the irony that the real Joan was burnt at the stake.

As a political stunt, she used a 1%er’s multimillion yacht to cross the Atlantic to get here to the US.  Of course, SHE was “carbon blameless” but it did require two crew members to fly across the pond to make her eco-PR stunt to work.

So look how glorious she is to be carbon-free – using twice the carbon as if she had just flown here by herself.

Now that’s she here, refusing to leave her preferred 1800s style of crossing large bodies of water, she’s whining “how am I supposed to get home now?”  This from the child that many of the eco-Fools want us to worship as our eco-Savior (of the day, anyway). – I’m betting that she’s approaching her “no more use” date to the Left like David Hogg (Parkland) and Cindy Sheehan (anti-war during Bush years).

If she overstays her visa, would Trump deport her as an illegal?  Surely then she’d be in that big bird in the sky she hates so much (heh!) (emphasis mine):

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg is looking to the world for suggestions as to how she can re-cross the Atlantic after next month’s U.N. climate summit in Chile was unexpectedly scrapped. The 16-year-old made it from Sweden to California by yacht, train and electric car before Chile’s government announced it was canning the summit because of political unrest in the South American nation.

The COP25 summit will now be held in Spain and she is pleading for public help to make the 6000-mile trip through carbon-free modes of transportation. “As #COP25 has officially been moved from Santiago to Madrid I’ll need some help,” Ms Thunberg tweeted from Los Angeles. “It turns out I’ve travelled half around the world, the wrong way.”

Now I need to find a way to cross the Atlantic in November … If anyone could help me find transport I would be so grateful.”

Yeah, sure thing.  Just any sailboat would do. Even as the winter storms are starting to spin up.

This is the fantasy of both a teenager with mental issues combined with a total lack of how the modern world works. If you want to travel on pre-motor ships, you have to make allowances and plans WELL ahead of time.  Sailing takes a long time; carbon-based conveyances are much less.

Now we’ll see what her REAL priorities are – be at COP25 or sit at some terminal waiting for her “ship to come in.”

Yet, this is how she wants ALL of us to live.  ‘Tis better to waste our time/lives traveling slowly in sacrifice to GAIA while she complains like the whiny kid she is; “Please help me.” A direct result of bad decisions and poor planning.

Reliance on really rich people for such conveyances only comes as the result of making a modern carbon-based society work for them. No sense of irony at all

(H/T: Brietbart)

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