A Presidential Primary tool from the Southern NH 912 Project

by Skip

Bumped and updated – an alert from the Southern NH 9.12 team:  Skip, we’ve got a brand new, updated and cleansed version of the matrix online.  We also have a condensed version, that focuses on just 19 issues, to make it easier for people to work with the document.

The last update was 01/01/12 at 8:30pm. There are two versions of the Presidential Matrix to choose from:       Condensed (19 issues)   Full Version (64 issues)

On the jump.


Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Huntsman, Paul, Perry, Romney, Santorum.  Constitution, Reduce Govt Size, Finance / Taxation, Immigration, Social Issues, Energy, Islam / Sharia, United Nations, Military, Foreign Relations, Important Connection for each. TONS of Footnotes.

The combined crew of the Southern NH 912 Project, Greater Nashua TEA Party, and the Nashua 912 Liberty Action group have given NH a wonderful tool in that this PDF they have compiled where each major candidate stands on the main issues listed.  This is a major project and will continue to be updated.


Be informed to be smart.  Then vote.   Go here, look for “Positions of GOP candidates for President” and click (I’d normally just directly link, but give them the link love for the work done!).  Note: they will be updating it as more issues show up and candidates see this document, so go back often.

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