So, we need parents….for what?

School lunch

Seriously.  Now, they’ve taken over the Lunch Ladies? 

One of my favorite phrases, especially now, is "What is the Proper Role of Government?".  Today, I’m wondering "Is there a role for Parents?".


After all, there’s this:

First Lady Michelle Obama said of deciding what American children should eat: “We can’t just leave it up to the parents."


Today, we saw the furtherance of the Federalization of the Little Red School House (Given that this is about a Progressive push, is Red the appropriate color?  Seriously?).  Local control – little by little, under the guise of "it’s for the children", Big Government has decided that in its needs to further the cause of "one size fits all" policy initiative simply because someone doesn’t like Janie’s waist size, local control is merely a concept.  After all, nothing says "we care" like "you will do this", does it? 


Hillary was famous for saying "It takes a village".  Michelle has to go one step further: "economic threat….a national security threat".  Yup, those D.I.’s are just eyeing the hot dog in 5-year old Johnny’s hand and the cupcake in the other – so, who knew Michelle was so gung-ho military with a pipsqueak to go "Oorah" while dropping and giving her 50?

Take over details:

  • A cost of $4.5 Billion (er, what, we aren’t going to be forced to be eating Chinese?  I REALLY want to see the chopsticks in the kindergarten!)
  • More free meals during lunch
  • More free meals for breakfast
  • More free meals for after school snacks
  • And in some cases, more free meals for dinner (up to 20 million more)
  • More control over what is being served (Dept. of Ag will determine what can be sold and the ingredients used)
  • What is in the vending machines
  • What kids can offer for food for fundraisers

My hamlet, according to NH statistics, has an unemployment rate < 5%.  Yet, my School Board says that the number of kids with subsidized meals is 20%. MMMMM—MMMMM—Good Federal bucks!

Michelle says "no child should go to school hungry."


But ask yourself: once again, is this a problem for which Big Government should be in charge?  Isn’t this an indictment by Michele and the Federal cadre that local School Boards and Administrations are either simply and totally uncaring about our kids (again, nothing says "we care" like thousands of pages of Federal regulations and hundreds of bureaucrats watching every brownie crumb on a second grader’s plate or the bake sale of the jr. varsity math team) or dunces?

I expect my President to stare down our nation’s enemies.  I expect him to have a spine of steel as confronts the hardest issues that threaten our national security. And since when should a President be signing a bill for fear of his wife (even jokingly)? Somehow, him caving into the threat of having to be "sleeping on the couch". 

Great visualization of the most powerful man on the planet ("yes, dear").   That alone should be a Red flag…

Also notice – what the government gives with the right hand, it takes away with the Left hand – I notice that the additional monies have been taken away from the same population that needs it – The Food Stamp folks

So, once again, strings attached.  So, eat heartily while at school, kiddies; in order to do so, your First Couple (with a whole host of politicians) has picked your cupboard bare.

Oh, the Parents?  Yeah, them….

I will admit, when TMEW and I had our day care center, we had a couple that would have been in the run to be Worst Parents In NH.  We required that parents provide food for their kids – these parents really did bring sugar cookies to pass off as breakfast.  True story.

But what is the Role of Parents? Seriously?

Bring them into the world, send them to day care.  Bring them to school for most of the day – and let the State care for their needs – why feed them when the State will?  Why bring them to the doctor when the clinic is on-site?  And here in NH, the parents don’t have to know that their minor aged daughter has had her abortion taken care of by Government paid employees?  And how often have we heard stories of teachers and staff teaching values and mores other than what the parents want for their children?

So, am I wrong in thinking that the school system is being used as another separator (kids from parents) by Progressives in further breakdown of the traditional family?

Silly me – I used to think that Parents were supposed to be the guiding lights and responsible for their children.  They were the ones to instill a child’s basic values and see to their physical needs.  That’s the traditional role of a parent – bear the child, raise the child, take care of the child, see to their needs, bring them to the point of being a good person and a productive member of society.

Government as Parent.  What’s left?

Seriously – I have a better, cheaper idea of how to combat childhood obesity:

  • walk over to the wall socket
  • yank the electrical cords out.
  • Put coats on the kids
  • "Go outside and play.  Don’t be late for supper!"


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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