From Cornerstone Action: The Gender Bills Are On You, Governor Sununu


By Cornerstone:

Chris Sununu is no victim. He is a man of purpose and intention. It took such a person to wrest control of the State House from the Democrats who had held the corner office for so long.

And now, as he is poised to sign destructive legislation on gender, he and his surrogates are putting out the message that opponents of these bills had “terrible messaging,” and that the “terrible messaging” was why the bills landed on the Governor’s desk.

Message: it’s your fault, people. It shouldn’t have gotten here.

Mr. Sununu, shame on you.

He said in a January interview that he was “inclined to move forward” with HB 1319, the gender identity bill. This interview was three days before the initial public hearing in committee and more than three weeks after the text of the bill had been introduced and months after 2017’s gender identity bill had been considered, so HB 1319 couldn’t have surprised him.

He has stood by silently as a therapy ban, HB 587, has made its way to his desk. It’s a bill to yank professional licensure from any therapist who is insufficiently supportive of gender reassignment for children. This reassignment means amputation of healthy body parts and the administration of puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones to children, leaving them with irreversible reminders in adulthood of a decision that was made in childhood. This is what Chris Sununu has said he will put into law.

Terrible messaging? To the contrary: people who have lived transgender, professional license counselors, and Granite Staters from all over – many of whom have reached out to Cornerstone in distress – sent the same message: these gender bills are bad politically and culturally.

It’s not the messaging that was terrible. What’s terrible is the Governor’s campaign to make these bills the fault of his opponents.

The Governor and his surrogates have gone so far as to suggest that any Republican losses this fall are going to be the fault of people who are opposing him on gender bills.

How such a man can cast himself as the victim of circumstance is beyond ridiculous.

Chris Sununu owns these gender bills.

If he found messaging terrible, he could have created his own, with the most prominent political platform in the state.

We know that Chris Sununu is capable of changing his mind. Look at his history. If ever he had good reason to reconsider a policy position, now is the time.

Unless he changes course, he owns any defeats by Republican candidates later this year. He owns this legislation. He will own his place in history as the man who signed the Bathroom Bill.


Editor: Emphasis not in the original


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