Lack of Character in the Corner Office


Chris sununu

By Ken Eyring

George Washington was a reluctant, selfless first President.  He put his personal life on hold to serve as our nation’s first leader.  He could have served as America’s President for life but didn’t.  Having fought for the Rights and virtues that were written in the Declaration of Independence, and subsequently, in our Constitution, George Washington genuinely understood their meaning and their values.  When his service as President of our country was over, he returned home to resume his civilian life. He was a true public servant – and not a career politician.  George Washington put what was best for our country ahead of his personal interests.

Our founding fathers were acutely aware that this selfless form of service to our Government would be the greatest means to serve the American people.

Regrettably, George Washington’s virtues (and those of our Founding Fathers) are now only found in a few elected representatives… and NH’s Governor Chris Sununu is not one of them.  Instead, Mr. Sununu is more interested in being re-elected to the Governor’s office for life, rather than respecting the GOP Platform and the promises he made during his campaign (view 29:13 of this debate).  This is not serving the people of New Hampshire who voted for him with a clear understanding of his (then) position and virtues.

During a Gubernatorial debate in 2016 (see link above), then-candidate Sununu was asked the following question regarding the Obama Administration’s policy on Transgender bathroom and locker room use:

“In May, a joint letter was sent to school districts all across America from the US Dept. of Education and the US Dept. of Justice. That letter informed all recipients of Federal money for education of the Obama Administration’s policy mandating that boys and girls must be allowed to use the bathrooms, locker rooms (including showers) of the opposite sex if they “identify” as that gender.

Do you agree with this policy? – and are you willing to stand up and resist the Federal Government over this issue or others that seem to violate the 10th Amendment; if you are willing to push back in these matters, will you do so even when they threaten to withhold Fed Funds?”

Candidate Sununu’s answer:

“We have to push back on Washington, and we have to restore local control.”

People with good intentions make promises, but people with good character keep them.

On 5/10/18, Governor Sununu told a group of conservative leaders that he would break his campaign promise and sign Transgender Bill HB1319 into law… not because he believes it is the right thing to do (he doesn’t), but because “If I veto the Bill, I won’t win re-election.”

HB1319 creates a special class of transgender citizens under the guise of providing special protections that are already provided under our US and NH Constitutions and current laws.  Instead, the Bill infringes on the Rights of everyone else.  The Bill was promoted by special interest groups who focus on identity politics.  Those groups have provided A LOT OF MONEY (from in and out of state), and it appears their influence now controls both “Republican” majority chambers of the legislature and the “Republican” Governor.

We don’t need career politicians.  We need more George Washingtons. People with character who put our State’s and Country’s interests ahead of their own.  People who make – and keep – their promises.

I voted for the Governor in 2016, but once he signs this Bill, I will never vote for him again.  There are many more who feel the same.

Learn more about HB1319

For my fellow Windham residents, it is important to note that Windham Rep. Charlie McMahon was a key sponsor and strong supporter of Bill HB 1319.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ken Eyring


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