I apologize for dragging this topic out again so soon, but my home state has been getting a lot of “love” in the media (national and international) over the girl’s sports transgender athlete state law pedophile dad thing. Violating bail restrictions, Girls and coaches refusing to play the team with the dude on it. It has kept the topic at the forefront, which lends itself to posts with titles like this.
You Can’t Be a Trans-Girl Unless You’re A Boy.
And hey, FYI – a girl can’t identify as a transgirl. That’d just be wrong.
It also occurred to me that there is a right body problem. You know that “I’m in the wrong boy scenario.” Like you should have been born into a BMW instead of a VW, and while there are a lot of body styles for cars, people get two. Sure, they invented a series of gender alternate universes in which one might park their mind, but at the end of every day, there are only two sets of bits to choose from, and with rare exceptions, we each come with one or the other no matter how many political parties or genders you think a nation needs.
Nature’s design or God’s, you decide, but there it is. Natural selection, Darwin, survival of the fittest, and all the good stuff that inspired the early progressive eugenicists to use government to manage who ought to procreate requires…procreation. You need both biological versions of what passes for humanity to do that. There are no working alternatives, even in a lab. One from each, no exceptions.
If you think or feel like you are in the wrong shell, the options for redress are limited. You can pretend to look like the other or maybe a mutilated ham (drugs, surgery, castration), and the Ham (even if it’s a pretty thing) is no longer part of the procreation gene pool.
Natural de-selection is an option as long as adults do not make it for children.
And dressing up like an animal doesn’t change the underlying biological limitations. Pretending is allowed as long as people are not forced to go along on your ride.
Most folks stick to cross-dressing. Transvsestite or drag queen, for example, because it’s okay to adopt the offensive cultural stereotype of that other choice to make a point (though I can’t say what the point might be).
[I’ve argued convincingly (in my own mind) that the solution to all of this is similar to Vulcan haircuts and Mao Suits (which might make us look like Romulans)].
So, space aliens (minus the suits and hair, depending on whose version you believe)? Big bulbous eyes, gray skin., engaged in body snatching to supplement their numbers because of the genderlessness procreation problem—intergalactic grooming. The public schools are doing the same sort of work for them these days: Creating Mental Illness 101 (it’s not in the curriculum, but everyone has to take it).
It teaches kids they might be in the wrong body, which is impossible because you can only be in the body you are in, and being uncomfortable isn’t a mandate to reconfigure society. Unless there’s a political party handy that thinks they can use it as a vote mill while advancing a handful of destructive agendas that are, ironically, in a different body politic, and that’s really the body they’re talking about.
After the revolution, all those rights you were told you had can be taken away on a political whim (and will, if you dare to complain about anything) no matter what body you happen to be in, and pretending otherwise doesn’t stop that from happening.