We GAVE a Known Convicted-Sex-Offender Access to Our Kids?

Betsy Harrington

After finding out a biological male was playing on the Kearsarge “girl’s” soccer team, parents started looking into why. What they found was much more disturbing than even a biological boy playing on the girl’s team. The player’s father is a convicted sex offender who hasn’t started his sentence yet! He is scheduled to begin his sentence on December 2nd in Federal Prison for Possessing and Distributing Child Sexual Abuse Images. He is from Canada, so not everyone is confident he’ll appear to serve his sentence.

The court documents report Marc Jacques was taking pictures of minor females in the community and superimposing their faces onto sexual images. He then shared those images with other sex offenders along with the child’s Instagram account. He then urged the sex offenders to contact the child. He is paying restitution to 4 identified victims.

Thanks to Betsy for her contribution – send yours to steve@granitegrok.com

Marc Jacques was also found with hundreds of child sexual abuse images on his devices. He self reports having a sex addiction. He also reports that the child’s mother is not supportive of their biologically male child playing on the Kearsarge girls’ soccer team. Custody is reportedly shared with the mother, who he is divorced from. She resides in the same school district. 


Parents began to make calls and ask questions after learning that this sex offender was attending games. The Sutton Police Department was called first because they cover the Kearsarge School District. The Sgt. on duty was asked if Marc Jacques attended the Kearsarge girl’s soccer game against Hillsboro Deering. The answer was yes. She was asked if he can take pictures while at the games. The answer was yes. She said there was no written order to stop him. He has and uses a phone at the games. It is difficult to know whether he is recording while using it. There are no specific orders to stop him from taking photos or video, but his devices can be monitored. He is on an ankle bracelet but the Sgt. admitted this is not a deterrent to the crime he was convicted for. It doesn’t record him, it just tracks his location. A GPS tracking device CAN be forcefully removed. Not easily, but it’s possible.

The Sgt reported that the police department attends the Kearsarge girl’s soccer games to keep an eye on Marc Jacques, but she admitted the judge’s restrictions were lacking any clear directives around his phone use and his presence at the high school. She said she is aware that he’s not allowed to be alone with children who are not his own. She was asked about the children around him at the games, and she said that he IS sometimes in close proximity to children and talks to them without their parents nearby, but she added that that’s not technically “alone.” The Sutton Police have not reached out to other departments to warn them. The Sutton Police Chief was called two days later for follow-up. He said he felt restricted from calling other agencies, citing no directive from the federal supervising officer or court order. There was no police presence noticed at the next game at Hopkinton High School.


On the day of the Hopkinton game, Hopkinton Athletic Director Dan Mazur was called and reminded of New Hampshire Law HB1205, which prevents boys from playing in girl’s designated sports in grades 5-12. He was also informed that a post-conviction sex offender who was awaiting incarceration (the trans-identifying player’s father) had plans to attend the game. He was told the heinous details of Marc Jacques’ crime and the risks involved. The Athletic Director was urged to call the Sutton Police and the federal supervising officer to confirm the allegations.

He denied a biological male player was playing in violation of state law and implied he’d do nothing to follow up on the potential presence of a sex offender at his game. The caller then desperately sent an email to the school superintendent of Hopkinton Schools. Phone calls were attempted to the principal and vice principal, but the caller was told they were both at a meeting and could not be reached. The Hopkinton police were called, but calls went straight to voicemail. 911 was the only other choice, and this was not an emergency yet. Because Athletic Director Dan Mazur was dismissive and claimed no laws were being violated, the game went on. 

Several citizens who were aware attended the Hopkinton game to see what dangers really existed. They knew Marc Jacques’s face. They saw him there, watching the game. He was using his cellphone at times, but he didn’t appear to be purposely filming any videos. 

Just before the Hopkinton game ended, an incident DID occur. A child around the age of 7 or 8 was playing around the convicted Child Sex Offender Marc Jacques.  Jacques was standing near a crowd of students at the time. The little boy almost bumped into Jacques when someone stepped in to locate the boy’s parents. The boy’s mother was watching the game and couldn’t see her son from where she was sitting. She was then told what had occurred. A few parents who saw the child guided him back to his mom. The mother was told that the man her child was playing around was a convicted sex offender awaiting to be incarcerated. An offender with very weak restrictions. The mother was appreciative for this intervention because she was unaware that a convicted sex offender could even attend a school soccer game. 

Local advocates are now attempting to contact the other high schools and police departments where this athlete will be playing soccer (in violation of HB1205) next. The court records show Marc Jacques attends ALL of Maelle’s games.

If you knew your kid was going to be around this sex offender, would you opt your kid out? What if everyone else knew, but they didn’t tell you? 

Advocates feel a powerful obligation to inform parents and other unsuspecting guests (especially children) that an unsupervised sex offender is present at games. He does not have a trained chaperone attending with him, which is standard practice for offenders around children.


When Marc Jacques pled guilty in March 2024, he worked at Dartmouth University for The Office of Family Giving and Engagement as a Family Giving Coordinator since September 2022 (per his LinkedIn profile). The Dartmouth reported Jacques did not inform his employer about his arrest or conviction. He pled guilty on March 18th, was sentenced on September 9th, and lost his job on September 18th, six months after pleading guilty! Someone else informed the school after seeing a DOJ article exposing the conviction.

He was around students. His department uses volunteers often. Whoa! What advantages might may he have taken in his position around Dartmouth students? Or Kearsarge High School students? Or even opposing team players from the girl’s soccer team? He is paying restitution to 4 local families. Victims were identified. Are there more? He had six more months to create more victims and now potentially more at high school girl’s soccer games.


The extent of time between the sentencing of Marc Jacques and his incarceration is significant and negatively impacting the community. September 9th was the sentencing date, but December 2nd is the date he must appear at the prison. THREE MONTHS of relative freedom for him, with few restrictions! But three months of fear for the community. Finding out this offender is unsupervised attending high school girls’ soccer games and potentially taking pictures! It’s probably very uncomfortable for anyone who attended any of the games and knows about his crimes. It’s as if his offense is still in progress. People are still being negatively impacted by his actions. 


Parents will be relieved on December 2, 2024, when Marc Jacques starts his 60-month sentence in federal prison. If he shows up! He’s from Canada. What do you think he’ll do?

We patiently await his incarceration date of December 2nd and we will see if he continues to attend high school girl’s soccer games until then. Let’s hope he is prevented and does indeed show up to serve his sentence.


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