Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow


It’s Friday!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition

*** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



Compare images from the late 19th and early 20th centuries of immigrants on boats holding AMERICAN flags, bought even before they arrived, with today’s illegals carrying the flags of their home countries as they march to our border.

I don’t want to go loony-tunes and think that the storm was steered to take out the old Ashville to create a Smart-city Ashville. But… I’ve seen the track, and it does seem, at least to me, a little odd that it missed the blue areas of the states affected. And then there’s this:

If you wanted to take out a core, central element of our technological society, this would be a critical hit. ONE source, for the global industry???? And… apparently NC has (wait for it), lithium deposits.

Democrats Are Already Trying to Pack the Court – HotAir

If they can’t have power they’ll burn America to the ground.

Assuming this is true this, IMHO, eclipses the pager / walkie-talkie accomplishment.

Remember the adage:

Any technology, no matter how advanced, is indistinguishable from a brick when there’s no electricity.

— Saw a version of at Peter’s site IIRC.

Several years ago there was a movie made by National Geographic called “American Blackout”. MHO is that the outcome from 10 days, nationally, with no power was very optimistic. Anyway, there was one scene where the boyfriend of one of the characters was trying to buy water with his credit card which, duh, didn’t work. And hey greenies, how are you going to evacuate when your electric car can’t charge?

And from the second link is this quote:

One fact screen stated that 35,000 gallons of water are necessary to combat the average house fire.

So while I absolutely do not advocate this idea… imagine the power out on a windy day in “Spicy Time” where the government is actively trying to repress the citizens (e.g., in an open conflict over gun confiscation), and fires start across the country in the house-farm neighborhood blocks of wood-frame houses.

Hey, if I – dumb jock engineer with no military training – can imagine this nightmare, others can and doubtless have too. Again, not advocating this.

There’s a reason it’s called PALLYWOOD or GAZAWOOD.

“War is deceit” said Mohammed, and so it is and has been through the ages. That one side seeks to use deception – both sides will of course – is nothing new. What’s new is the incredible credulity nowadays.

And while most discussions / debates / arguments are not in a courtroom, there’s a line in one of the ST:TNG episodes where Picard says something to the effect that a courtroom is a crucible in which we burn away irrelevancies until we are left with a pure product, the truth.

But people don’t want truth. They want views and opinions that make them feel good about themselves.

But that could never happen here. Right?

And this is why I don’t get invited out much.



I read labels ruthlessly now. I am horrified at how much sugar / corn syrup is in things that I no longer buy. Even the Trader Joe’s falafel balls have so much crap in them I won’t buy them again. I need to get a food processor so I can start making them from scratch as my kids love falafel.


I don’t know. See the Pick of the Post, and the related video. What if this is an act?

Get the Constitution, Declaration, etc., out… some of the really good legislators too… and IMHO let ‘er rip.

The question is not that this works. The question is HOW DOES THIS KEEP ON WORKING?

In public in general. 😉 See my earlier one about why I don’t go out a lot to social events.

How does a person with even a shred of a scintilla of a soul block people from helping?


Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

This article has a really good breakdown of exactly how the Mossad targeted Hezbollah so accurately.  It’s a really great reminder that the Deep State has many of these same resources, which they are using to target Americans.  And they’ve been doing it for a while, meaning that they have huge reams of data on all of us:

Bayou Renaissance Man: The devil is in the details – doubly so for terrorists

This is about the unsung hero who called out the “plandemic” and watched his career and reputation destroyed because of it:

Free Fuellmich, the Unsung Hero Who Called Out the ‘Plandemic’ – ISRAPUNDIT

It seems the Kamala’s VP pick Tim Walz is REALLY cozy with the CCP, but getting the info out to “We The People” is proving difficult:

John Kerry is moaning about how the First Amendment makes it difficult for the government to control “misinformation”.  No shit, Sherlock, the whole POINT of the Bills of Rights is to put shackles on the GOVERNMENT!

The Left Hypocritically Yelps for Tyranny in Name of ‘Democracy’ (

Now the Biden administration is “fast-tracking” temporary legal status to 300K Haitians. Gee, that’s really important right?  Not like anything more pressing is coming at us, right?

Biden administration extends temporary legal status to 300,000 Haitians, drawing a contrast to Trump | AP News

T.L. Davis writing about how things will get chaotic no matter WHO wins the election.  The country is now seeing the total disfunction of the Federal government in dealing with the hurricane disasters, the shipping port strike, and many other things they should be dealing with.  Spicy time is almost here.  Are you ready?

Chaos As Cover – by T.L. Davis – T.L.’s Posts and Podcasts (

The government doesn’t want people helping after a disaster, because it’s actually all about the money:

Gavin Newsome’s law against Deepfake videos has been shot down in court:

A demonstration of how easy the government has made it to enter the US illegally and collect benefits:

If you drive (or are considering driving) a KIA, please note this:

Electric vehicles & lithium batteries are causing lots of fires.  Also, those caught in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene are finding out that seal water from storm surge and EV’s don’t play nice:


Pick of the Post:

What Kountess Kackula is really saying is that she wants to implement Mao’s policy of eliminating the FOUR OLDS.

Why do you think there’s been such a move to tear down statues and, figuratively as yet, erase books and such from common culture and schools? Eliminate the past.

And a tie:

Well done. And absolutely true.


Palate Cleansers:

I like interacting with people… but not “any” people. People who are alive, who are awake, who have a survival instinct. Not people whose idea of conversation is fashion or sportsball or whatever.

TGIF! I’ll show myself out…


And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee


democula Eager to devour



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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