Some Optimism When It Comes to the 2024 Steal

Steve MacDonald

Many on the right are convinced that the Blob will do anything to keep Trump out of the Oval Office. It is hard to argue against that unless you don’t care or hate Trump. From election integrity issues to keeping his name off the ballot to someone trying to kill him, the outsider who has been inside continues to be a threat.

Meddling with the upcoming election seems not just possible but likely. The pat response is that the RNC or Republicans didn’t do anything. We’ve set ourselves up to fail. Well, that’s not exactly true. There are absentee and mail ballot initiatives on the right in a growing number of states. And the there’s this.

In truth, plenty has been done. Nearly 500* laws reforming electoral procedures have been passed nationwide. The threat these pose to the Dems can be gauged by the fact that the deeply corrupt, Democrat-dominated Supreme Courts of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have set aside two such laws passed by state legislatures, dealing respectively with drop boxes and absentee ballots. As for the GOP, since Lara Trump has taken over the RNC, she has concentrated much of her efforts on programs intended to stop and expose electoral cheating at all levels. To this, we can add America PAC, Elon Musk’s tech-centered superPAC, which has pledged to earmark large amounts to combat electoral fraud. Over the past two weeks, Texas AG Ken Paxton has begun several initiatives into assuring an honest vote (no wonder they tried to railroad him). The Supreme Court restored an Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship for voters. In Pennsylvania, the courts have banned the practice of “curing” ballots – fixing up ineligible ballots after the have arrived. (It’s true that California has banned all forms of voter ID, but hey, that’s Cali. We’re lucky they didn’t appoint Charley Manson election commissioner.)

How effective any of this is remains to be seen, but not everyone is sitting on their hands. Locally, we reported on citizens challenging mail-in ballots that arrive in violation of state law.

The return envelope containing the absentee ballot has not been verified by affidavit as required by state law NH RSA 659:30.

State law NH RSA 659:50(b) requires that every moderator in the State must examine the inner return envelope to ensure that the affidavit was properly executed. If the affidavit was not properly executed pursuant to state law NH RSA 659:30, the moderator must not open the envelope and, under (NH RSA 659:53), must write across the envelope defective: “failed to properly execute an affidavit. 

Exercised judiciously in November, the process could cause mail-in fraudsters a good deal of heartburn. I’m not saying it’ll stick. The AG and SoS have to be willing to uphold and enforce election law, and despite a Republican Governor to whom they might answer, that’s never been the New Hampshire way. Our crappy elections are like a girlfriend in Canada or the red-headed step-child hidden in the basement. They don’t want to talk too much about it.

They’d rather risk expensive, drawn-out lawsuits that will make the question moot than actual enforcement action that prevents or punishes fraud in any meaningful way. That’ is our experience, at least. But citizens need to persist, for the state will not; otherwise, we’ll never get our elections back, and you can’t vote your way out of rigged elections.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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