Victory Party Report from Chez LTW (Lily Tang Williams)

Julie Smith

Let’s first get a housekeeping item out of the way.  Any opinion said, is mine and just that, because I am not a spokesperson for Lily Tang Williams, just an ordinary volunteer.

I don’t remember who said it, but last winter, someone called the anti Trumpers a bunch of people having the adult version of the “I didn’t get what I wanted for Christmas” tantrum.  While I risk being accused of that, the feelings are very real when it comes to the Corner Office, Executive Council District 4 and Senate District 23, and the race to unseat that soy boy in Manchester.

On a positive note, there are things to be grateful for.  One of them is that our amigo Jose survived his primary and Melissa Litchfield won her primary.  What sweetens the latter victory all the more is that our next legislature will be void of enemy of 91A Scott Wallace.  Amen to that!

Saving the best gratitude item for last is Lily Tang Williams’s victory.  When Vikram called to concede, I had the pleasure of listening in with the company of many volunteers, mutually agreeing to stay quiet in the background.  His call resembled that of a bratty kid whose mother pinched his arm, demanding that he make nice.  There was no olive branch or any offer of help in any form.  Remember George Costanza’s late fiancee’s ER doctor on the witness stand in the Latham court?  He used the words “restrained jubilation” to describe the defendants’ reaction to the news of Susan’s passing.  I would describe Vikram’s socially required phone call as “restrained hostility,” but such as life.  I was told Bruce Fenton reached out to express his congrats, then Lily received a call from the Damn Emperor and graciously accepted his words.

I’ll close with 2 things, the first one being a request.  If you happen to see signs for Terese, Emily and Chuck, please pick them up and hold onto them while we await their further instructions.  I lost 3 elections myself and picked up within the next day, but higher office candidates could use some help.  The other thing is an offer.  As a welcoming gesture to former Team Vikram members in the Nashua area, I’ll cheerfully deliver a Lily sign upon request if I have them on hand.  If I don’t, arrangements can be made to procure them in a timely fashion.


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