Would They Kill Him if They Had Too?

Steve MacDonald

There has been much speculation about the lengths to which the Left-Led Bordeau-sipping, uniparty ruling-class political supremacists might go to keep Donald Trump from ever setting foot in the Oval Office again. Would they, could they, have him killed? Surprise, they have a similar problem with Joe Biden.

The long-game speculation from myself and many others has been that this Democrat primary business was all a charade, and the donor class and the people running the DNC (and even a few folks inside the Biden administration) had a plan B. Politically abort Joe for medical reasons and replace him with someone viable.

Who that someone is has been of equal interest with names including Whitmer, Newsom, Michelle Obama, and even Hillary Clinton (who has apparently raised her hand and said, hey coach, put me in). But the party of death has a problem. Whoever runs the Biden administration is as wont to cling to the power they’ve got (and why not? Everyone will blame Joe for their mistakes) as any other cabal of oligarchs managing their puppet deposit.

We like our high-paying, perk-loaded jobs, and look, we get to “run” the country (into the ground), and we won’t get any blame. That’s on Joe, who can’t count to ten anymore without help. Some other Democrat might push us out the door or off to some less high-profile posting. Joe stays, we stay.

But, but, but, that debate thing, you say. It was a disaster. Months of media lies were unmasked, the way you might rip off a bandaid, but it feels like it was pulled off slowly instead, tearing every hair along with it. But Team Biden, whatever that means, isn’t interested in stepping aside, down, or anywhere else. They are in it to lose it come what may, and that has piled additional dismay onto the shit-wagon of worries after Thursday’s expose on the mental state of President Joseph R. Biden.

The liar-in-chief is now claiming he doesn’t debate well, as if that explains what we saw.

Sorry, but a few cans short of a six-pack doesn’t begin to approach what America witnessed, and the Media can no longer deny it. CNN didn’t deep fake that. Joe Biden is the single most significant negative to the outcome up and down the  November ticket.

Millions of registered Democrats aren’t all-in on abortion at birth, or open borders, so some may be willing to sit November out or vote the other way (‘cuz the economy, crime, etc.). Some of them were thinking about voting Red Instead of Blue.

Are they legitimate swing voters now, no longer under any allusion about the state of their Commander and Chief? Is he the threat to national security his opponents have long claimed? It seems so, and there’s no hiding that, so all the Left has left is to insist Trump is a liar, cheat, fraud (in other words, He’s Joe Biden), and a dictator even though he never was in his first term.

You can’t vote for that! He’s mean, a liar, and a despot. Just ask anyone who agrees with us.

Oh, and Joe is the other choice.

Actually, RFK Jr. is the other choice, and he may benefit from this inescapable public turn of events, but we’ll have to wait on larger polls to see how that needle moved. If it did, it wouldn’t be good for Joe, who, as we’ve said, isn’t getting out of the race.

There is speculation that it is too late, anyway. What if there is no way to “replace” him short of a 25th amendment action that leaves them with President Kamala, which, believe it or not, Democrats probably view as worse? It’s quite the pickle, so here’s another question. Would the Dems resort to regicide to clear the way? They’d have to remove both Biden and Kamala and then blame it on right-wing extremists. I wouldn’t put it past the Clintons or the Obamas, but they have motivation. A Republican president following the abuses of the Biden administration might feel inclined to use its precedents to send prosecutors after Bill, Hillary, Barack, or any number of higher-ranking left-lead uniparty scions.

It’s all speculative theory, of course. I don’t want anyone assassinating anyone, and in this bizarre expiration of theory, both men have Secret Service details, so add the internal political chess match required to overcome that into the calculus. But the rabid dog of the left just painted itself into a corner, and we know it does not want to relinquish power. What will it do?

Anything is possible, including starting WWIII and declaring martial law. Let’s hope Joe can’t remember the launch codes and whoever has them doesn’t want to burn the world to keep Trump out of office. But, you have to wonder. Would they rather destroy America than give even a little of it back?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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