Hello Monday my old enemy…

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






Cue the line from the movie The Octagon: The world, it does not want to be saved… only to be left alone”.






I’ve said it many times: up until the whole Covid thing, I was firmly in the “vaccines are good” camp.  And, at least in theory, I would still hold true to that; the idea that you could pre-arm the immune system against a dangerous pathogen is an incredible thing.  It’s great in principle, but sorely lacking in execution.  And seeing how corrupt both industry and our alleged governmental watchdogs are, I’m now a confirmed anti-vaxxer.




At some point, you have to give up when – no matter how you try – they simply won’t understand.






Welcome to the “subscription model” of the new economy.  Like Anal Schwab’s WEF says, you’ll own nothing.

I was thinking, as I parked late this morning and looked at my house, of a phrase by Thomas Jefferson: “I have a right to nothing which another has the right to take away”.  If I don’t pay my taxes on my house, my house gets taken away.  Ergo, I don’t really own my own property.










The ONLY THING that gives you away is your voice?  Seriously?  This is psychotic-level delusion.



Well, yeah, until a JDAM drops on you.






Know that your biggest enemy has a “D” after their name.




Weep for these magnificent trees.





That timing wouldn’t surprise me at all.












To quote one of my all-time favorite movie lines, “Boy, do I hate being right all the time”.



Remember what I said, a post or so ago, about “Interspecies affection” coming after “Minor Attraction”?  And speaking of the latter:



I have to wonder now…














A skill the Democrats (and farther Left) have mastered.















Anyone who thinks Covid and The Jab “spontaneously happened” is outright delusional.  Related:











I think that’s right, actually.





Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Taiwan confirms presence of US special forces — RT World News

As though this couldn’t be considered a provocation.

A Deal With the Digital Devil – Chronicles (

The tools we create will soon be our masters.  And from the same site:

Social Contract Theory as Feathered Serpent – Chronicles (

Being Human – Chronicles (

The Big Squeeze: Over 140,000 U.S. Farms Lost In 5 Years (

From 2019.  And only getting worse.  And this, from 2022:

When Collectivists Have Full Control – by FIA Ranch (

‘Trusted Messengers:’ Volunteer Censors Trained to Control Your Community’s Speech – Foundation for Freedom Online

Censorship accelerating.  Related:

Send Your Neighbor To Prison For “WrongSpeak,” Get $2,000 From Taxpayers in State of Washington – Liberty Sentinel

As you weigh whether people in your life would turn you in, remember, to too many, you are the enemy.  This quote by Huxley applies:



Dr. Leana Wen, arguably most stupid doctor & television talking head, outdone only by the former CDC Director Walensky & Drs. Peter Jüni & I Bogoch of Ontario, what a bunch of idiots! Dolts! MORONS! (

Not just a useful idiot – the cause of the outbreak of Measles and other diseases is the open borders.  On the Jab:

A new type of analysis of the COVID vaccine trials finds even more exaggeration of their benefits than we knew (

West Point Dumps MacArthur Formulation: Elevates Army Loyalty Above Country. Democrats Plan Military Government? | Blog Posts |

Subsuming the military for political ends.

France’s Skyrocketing Threat :: Gatestone Institute

And yet, so many are open to bringing in more and more and more.

Follow up on the Boeing exec turned whistle-blower that “committed suicide” just days before he was supposed to testify about quality & safety issues at Boeing:

Borepatch: Jeffery Epstein Could Not Be Reached For Comment

In a severe turn towards tyranny, our northern neighbor (Canada) is looking at creating laws that would allow them to arrest you not only for what you say online, but what you MIGHT say online.  Just like the movie “Minority Report” from a decade ago (which had a “Department of Pre-Crime”), the Canadian version will have people looking at your posts and deciding whether or not you COULD say something they don’t like.  And if this does becomes law, they can arrest you BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING, then put you in PRISON.  Even the leftists agree that several changes would need to be made to the judicial system to make this fly, but hey, who cares about rights & free speech when we need to control the peasants, right?:

Trudeau Demands Life In Prison For Speech Crimes (

It certainly looks like the Biden Admin does NOT want Israel to win the war against Hamas.  Since Hamas is a terrorist organization, it makes you wonder why?  Maybe because TPTB really don’t WANT peace in the middle east.  They want a forever war instead (more money to be made).  Honestly, I’m getting really sick of how most of the world treats Israel (and Jews in general) as 2nd class people (or worse):

Unfortunately, antisemitism is rising all over the West, but Europe is definitely feeling it much more than then the USA (at least for now).  Some Jewish families have bags packed & ready to go in case they need to abandon their homes and leave on a moments notice.  Here is an interview from Belgium with a young Jewish boy and a Holocaust survivor both saying that things are getting scary, and Jews need to think about leaving:

As bad as things are for Jews in the US, it’s much worse in Western Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Related antisemitism:

Jeffery Tucker of the Epoch Times asks a really good question:  What do we do if the government just ignores the Supreme Court and does (or continues doing) the same thing that the Court slapped down?  Slo-Joe & crew have already done it at least twice already (telling landlords during Covid that they cannot charge rent OR evict people, SCOTUS said NO, but they did it anyway). And recently, with the forgiveness of student loans (Joe even BRAGGED about defying SCOTUS).  So what DO we do if they are ignoring the highest court?

What If the President Ignores the Supreme Court? | The Epoch Times

Another article about all the info your car collects on you (and reports back to the car company so they can monetize you).  In this case, the author’s insurance rates went up 21% after his car started reporting his driving habits to the insurance companies.  This is another reason why I rebuilt & drive a 22 year old truck, and I also have a 19 year old minivan (no “report back”).  However, I’m sure that someday soon, it will be “required” to have a “report back” box installed in any vehicle driven on public roads, and you’ll be fined and/or arrested for NOT having one.  Can’t allow the peasants to have unrestricted movement, now can we?:

As an aside, I person I know from work had to go to China (on business) last month (February), and her phone battery died while she was gathering her luggage at the airport.  It was cold & windy, so she wrapped her scarf around her face & head just before she exited the airport to get a cab.  The Chinese police stopped her less than a minute later because their facial recognition cameras could not identify her and they could not get a ping from her phone.  Think about that:  1 minute to be looked at, run through the database, shown as a “non-identified person”, and the police deployed to stop you.  THAT’s what the current surveillance tech can do in China (at least in any urban area), and what the globalists want everywhere (if we let it).

A “mass shooting” in Philly, but it’s being buried because the shooters were all black.  The article goes on to show how the news manipulates the narrative so that it LOOKS like white people are the bad ones, when the reality is that 90%+ of black shooting deaths are caused by other blacks.:

Now We Know Why That Philly Mass Shooting Story Vanished – PJ Media

In another “not good for the country” article, the F-35 “do everything” fighter jet which is currently being fielded by ALL of America’s forces is majorly lacking in actual “fight readiness”.  The BEST report they could give is 55% “mission capable” (which means the plane can fly and do at least ONE mission), but the real truth teller is “full mission capable” (FMC), which means it’s ready to do ANY mission within it’s design parameters.  According to the report, across the services only 30% of our “best fighter jets ever” are FMC!  That means that after 21 years of development time (10 of those being EXTRA  time not budgeted for), billions in cost overruns, and thousands of wasted hours training the F-35 crews (not to mention selling off a LOT of good, usable F-18 and F-16 jets to our “allies”), 70% of our F-35 fleet is NOT COMBAT READY!  This is a disgrace.  Just as a measure, in the Marine Corps in the 1980’s, if more than 15% of a unit’s aircraft were not FMC at any particular time, the Commanding Officer of that unit better have a damn good reason, or they could be relieved of command.  But the Military/Industrial complex wanted the F-35, because it was incredibly expensive (lots of ways to make money), and incredibly complicated (lots of reasons for cost overruns).  So they make money while the US Forces are forced to accept a plane that is too complicated to keep it flying.  Think about going to war with a peer (or near-peer) adversary and having 70% of your fighter jets be not combat ready.  But hey, a lot of money was made…

For those who willingly took the jab, we question your sanity.  And for those who were forced to take the jab to continue working, we will pray for you.  A recent study has suggested that males who were jabbed will lose 24 years of life span, passing away at 56 (on average).  That’s a whole generation of men that will not help (or see) their grandchildren grow up.  Also, there has been a LOT of studies showing major negative changes in the fertility of both men and women who have been jabbed, so these people may not ever have children, let alone grandchildren.

For the “next” plandemic, the WEF is working on ways to make SURE you take whatever pills they are pushing.  This is a WEF video from 2018 talking about how micro-transponders can now be put into pills, so they will know when you take it, and how long it was in your body.  “Sir, you haven’t taken your Soma in 3 days, so your food ration has been terminated.  If you want to eat again, take your Soma”…

Lastly:  A funny for you:  This is a “song” response to a liberal expecting that we should just magically know what pronoun to call their “enlightenedness”, and it’s hilarious:




Pick of the post:



This is, I think, very telling – and not just about him, but about ALL the Globalists and, in general, about ALL that would call themselves our masters.  Vanity, after all, is Satan’s favorite sin.




Palate Cleansers:



Sent that to my son, who replied Damn!


Oh, this looks so, so familiar.




Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee





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